Welcome to Pam's Perspective. My name is Pam and I am a 48 year old wife and mother of two teenage daughters - one in HS and one in college. For the most part I am a SAHM, but I do work part-time at a small public library as an Assistant Librarian, which I love. In addition to all the "regular" library duties, I run a book club for adults, write book reviews for our website/patrons and order all the media for the library. Outside of work, I'm in a personal book club, I play Mah Jong, I attend as many plays as time and my budget allow and I also serve on the nominating committee for Reading Across Rhode Island. All of that keeps me pretty busy.
When I first decided to start a blog, I wasn't really sure where I would be going with it. I figured I would translate my love of reading and books into some book reviews and recommendations. And I have done that, but I've also started blogging about my life in general. For the most part, Pam's Perspective is just that - my perspective of what's happening in my life; what I'm reading, watching, doing and hearing about. Hopefully, you'll find something here that you can relate to.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll visit again.
I can't wait to go and read your book reviews... I have a pile of books that I still need to right reviews about. Maybe I could be a virtual member of your book clib?
nice website PAM!!!!
~neil Coss~ :)
hi! i'm pretty sure your my new bloggy bff after our little convo on kel's blog! too funny! and i love your blog. i am a huge reader (with four children 5 and under home with me all day, i have very little tv control. books come in very handy!), and am looking forward to finding out about some interesting new reads. thanks!
Beth! - So glad you decided to visit me. It's amazing to me that you find time to read with 4 children under 5. YIKES! You must be wonderwoman. And I totally get not having TV control. With two teenage daughters in the house, I never get the TV in the evenings. AND I have to listen to a lot of "teen television" and Jon and Kate Plus 8. *gag* (My apologies to anyone who loves that show). Anyway, I hope you find some great books to read by poking around here!
Love your blog! I am trying to read as much as I can. Your reviews will definitely come in handy. Thanks for being so inspiring.
I met someone earlier this year who reads a book a day. I know many people, today, can't keep a pace like that due to their schedules but it's something that I aspire to.
I'm happy to have stumbled upon your blog. Hopefully you'd have read something that I like to read, off to your reading list now...
Have a great day!
Hi Pam! I found you through SITS! I thought I'd come check out your book recommendations! You have a beautiful blog!
Have a great day!
Dropping in from Lady Bloggers Society. I am looking forward to reading your book reviews, I like to read and use other's reviews to make decisions. You have a lovely blog.
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