Wow! To quote the fabulous Tammy, "It must be Award Season", here in bloggy land. The Grover-loving, English transplant Clare at This and That nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award today! I'm so honored. Thank you Clare. She also nominated me for another Kreativ Blogger Award, as well. Wow! I think I might go buy a lottery ticket today - it's my lucky day!
The rules for this award are very simple. You need to post the award on your blog, link back to the person who nominated you and pass the love to up to 15 new blogs that you have discovered. Let those you gave an award to know through a comment on their blog. OK, no way I can come up with 15 blogs since I just gave awards to 10 people yesterday and I'd like to honor different people this time. So, I'm going to do my best. I have a feeling that a couple of the following bloggers may not be into this kind of thing and if that's the case, no problem. Just ignore all this frivolity! I hereby give the One Lovely Blog Award to:
Sandy at It's a Jungle Out There
Esther at Gratuitous Violins
Terra at The Emerson Family
Alex at Please Try Again
Anita at A Wife, A Woman, A Mom
Tammy at Keep in Touch With Mommakin
Congratulations ladies!
Wow, it's all about Pam week...LOL! Congrats, awards well deserved.
Oh no! Wait I wasn't done. I wanted to add you and Tammy to this list. I was all confused about how I had already sent awards to. I didn't send the other ones to you guys because you had sent them to me and Tammy. I'm so confused. Please go back to bed and pretend you didn't see Santa filling the stockings and then come back. I was actually just looking at your blog to make a link back to you. NOOOOO!
Pam that is very thoughtful! And a lovely award! I will post about it this weekend and spread the love. In the meantime I thought I added you to my google reader but I didn't because I am WAY behind on your posts...I have to take my girls to the Dr. but I will back to catch up tonight!
You are too sweet Pam..........and you make me laugh. Do you think it's possible for Tammy to do round two of the awards ceremony? I just loved her blog today!
Terra - Thanks for reading my blog. I'm flattered. And congrats on the award. You deserve it!
Anita - Surprise! I gave you an award. LOL! I don't know if Tammy will be able to do another round. She is so funny! This whole award thing has me too tired to be clever. Heck I can't even keep my awardees straight!
You guys are too sweet! I'm on vacation for a few days, but I'm trying to get a few posts written before I leave. I'll try to get this one in there late this week/early next week. It does get hard to find new people...
Because, yes, getting those posts pre-written seems to be taking priority over packing and laundry. But I don't want to take the laptop with me. (I'll still have the phone, though! So Facebook or email me freely!!! I'll also have access to my comments...)
Popped over from Terri's to say hi!
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