Time to count my blessings. I'm having a little trouble thinking of things this week. Hmm... Guess that means I'm not trying hard enough.
1. I am thankful (and amazed) at how easy it was to find a prom dress that Katie loves. The very first dress that caught her eye and that she tried on fit her like a glove and she looks gorgeous in it (pictures - of Katie - to follow after prom). Now... finding shoes, a wrap, jewelry and "foundation garments" - THAT took forever!
2. I am thankful that my husband finally made the plane reservations for our summer vacation. He was really dragging his feet and I was starting to get a little nervous. *big sigh of relief*
2. I am thankful that my husband finally made the plane reservations for our summer vacation. He was really dragging his feet and I was starting to get a little nervous. *big sigh of relief*
3. I am so thankful for all the kind comments I received on my second post on Tuesday (Courage and Convictions). I am very flattered and honored that so many of you enjoy reading my crazy "rambles, rants and reviews". Thank you to all of you!
4. I am thankful that I dragged my feet and never traded in my tickets to Spring Awakening for something else. While it was at times a difficult show to watch, it was most definitely thought-provoking and I'm still thinking about it 24 hours later. That really says something.
Well, that wasn't so hard after all. It's amazing how if I just slow down for a minute and think about it, I can always think of things to be grateful for. How about you? Have you counted your blessings this week?
Image from Google Images
I'm thankful that you didn't trade your Spring Awakening tickets away and invited me to go along with you. Great show!
I love it when a show (or anything) still has me thinking days later!
This week, I think I'm thankful that winter really does seem to be over. It was cold this week, but it was spring cold.
I'm also thankful for so many good blogs to read and people to get to know! I seriously love this community.
Yay on finding a prom dress! Summer vacation....whoohoo, gotta love getting away!
I'm still so thrilled you enjoyed the show you saw, it's fantastic to take risks like that.
How great she found one she loved right off the bat! Me when I use to have to find gowns for the military ball It would take forever!
happy thursday!
Oh you should be thankful, I cried prom dress shopping and wedding dress shopping and I am sad to admit I still cry when I shop sometimes. I need to count my blessings. I will have to take time to reflect tonight - the easy one is my two daughters and the roof over my head and the food in my pantry!.
Sandy - Me, too!
Tammy - It doesn't happen often, but I love it when a show or movie or book has me still thinking days later.
Anita - The prom dress was a miracle. So was getting hubby to finally make those plane reservations. And I'm liking the show more and more every day.
Emily - I never have any luck finding dresses either. Katie was just as shocked as I was.
Terra - I was happily surprised that we didn't end up in tears (or at least sad and grumpy) while dress shopping. Two daughters, a roof and food are three fantastic reasons to be grateful. My whole Thankful Thursday philosophy is to be thankful for the little things. Or even the most obsvious.
Hey Pam, I finally got my Thankful Thursday written. Thanks again for the use of your theme.
Now following your blog!
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