Thankful Thursdays are all about taking the time to appreciate all the little things that actually went right during the week. I am someone who can get flustered very easily - even when the smallest thing goes wrong. So why not focus on all the little things that went right and be grateful?
1. I am thankful that Geoff and I had a kid free weekend. Not that I don't love my girls, I do, but a quiet and peaceful weekend at home with just my husband was a gift. Katie left on June 22nd for a 6 day trip to CA with a school group, so we knew she wouldn't be home on the weekend. When Madeleine was invited to spend the weekend on Block Island (a small island off the coast of Rhode Island), Geoff and I were suddenly left with an empty nest for a whole weekend. WooHoo!!!
2. I'm thankful that Geoff made our weekend nice for me by doing things I love. Friday night, we went to Aime's Wedding. On Saturday we had breakfast out (Ok, that's something Geoff loves), a romantic comedy matinee in the afternoon, Eskimo King to get a chocolate dipped soft serve cone (Yummy), a visit to the small beach in our town so I could enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the ocean. Which is something I absolutely love and he is completely indifferent to. A great day. On Sunday, we relaxed at home with the Sunday paper and classical music, an afternoon nap and dinner at a beach front seafood restaurant before picking up Madeleine from the ferry. A perfect weekend. Gotta love an empty nest (at least a weekend one).
2. I'm thankful that Geoff made our weekend nice for me by doing things I love. Friday night, we went to Aime's Wedding. On Saturday we had breakfast out (Ok, that's something Geoff loves), a romantic comedy matinee in the afternoon, Eskimo King to get a chocolate dipped soft serve cone (Yummy), a visit to the small beach in our town so I could enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the ocean. Which is something I absolutely love and he is completely indifferent to. A great day. On Sunday, we relaxed at home with the Sunday paper and classical music, an afternoon nap and dinner at a beach front seafood restaurant before picking up Madeleine from the ferry. A perfect weekend. Gotta love an empty nest (at least a weekend one).
3. Considering the fact that it has been raining pretty much non-stop since April, I'm thankful that we had two sunny days in a row. Of course, yesterday it rained cats and dogs and it's supposed to rain today and tomorrow, too. Isn't it funny how much you appreciate sunny days when you never have any. I feel like I'm missing summer. :( (OK, that didn't sound so thankful after all)
How about you? What are you thankful for?
Image from Google Images
Image from Google Images
I'm thankful for getting to be stay at home mom.
Stopping by from SITS. Have a great day!
Stopping in from SITS today!
I love thinking of the small little things that we're blessed with throughout the week. It's a great way to reflect!
Speaking of which, I haven't put my Thankful Thursday post up!
I'm thankful we all got to be together last week at Aime's wedding! Haven't seen that many smiles all in one place in a long, long time. :-)
My eldest took off on a European jaunt last nite. Got a call this morning. She & her galfriend are safe, checked into a hotel in Barcelona, & catching a cat nap before they start exploring. The older they get, the more my set of worries changes, but I guess that goes with the territory!
I'm thankful for your Thankful Thursday posts! They make me stop and think, and remind me of what I have to be thankful for. I do have a tendancy to dwell on the negative (is that a "girl" thing, or an "age" thing?), so it's great to be reminded to slow down and appreciate what I have.
Sounds like a wonderful weekend. But, then, any weekend that includes ice cream, naps, and the smell of the ocean...heaven!
What a great idea for a post. We should all remember to be thankful even when things don't seem to go our way!
Right now I'm thankful that my little guy is napping and looking forward to a fun weekend with friends. Thankful Thursdays is a great idea! Glad I found your blog.
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