1. The biggest thing I'm thankful for this week is that my posts are now updating in Google Reader again. Unfortunately, before I went on vacation I messed around with a Feed burner because I had read somewhere that it would help increase traffic to my blog. I didn't really understand what a Feed burner is or how it works, but what the heck. Well, what it did was it caused my posts to now longer update in Reader and therefore my traffic came to a screeching halt. Well, that backfired! What makes it worse, is that I was on vacation and didn't even realize it had happened for over two weeks! Gee, I'm so glad I spent hours and hours writing posts that I scheduled to post during my vacation. THAT turned out to be a waste of time. OK, my rant is over. I'm grateful I was able to fix it.
2. I'm grateful that Sandy at It's a Jungle Out There was tenacious enough to keep trying to solve the problem for me after I had thrown in the towel. Thanks again, Sandy. You rock!
3. I'm grateful that our family had a wonderful vacation with our amazing friends. (More on that - and Hotmanistan, for those of you who've asked - soon).
4. As much as I loved and appreciated our vacation, I'm thankful to be home again. There's no place like home.
How about you? What are you thankful for?
Image from Google Images
I'm thankful that you got your stuff fixed and that you have a great friend like Sandy!! This whole debaucle practically gave me hives on your behalf!
I'm so glad you got it all worked out! Same thing happened to me when I messed with feedburner - but I was home and therefore realized it in a day or two. Yay Sandy!
I, too, am glad you enjoyed your vacation, but I'm (selfishly) also awfully glad you're back!
Welcome back! I was wondering what happened to you in the reader, and then I logged in today and magically 16 new posts appeared! Hope you had fun (and can't wait to hear about Hotmanistan!).
Well, I wondered what the heck all that was about! Glad you were able to get it fixed. Yay! Welcome home.
I try to be thankful more often than not. Years ago I realized that I'm very blessed to have things that most of the world's population does not have. I am not rich by American standards, but I am a millionaire when you look at so many struggling peoples the world over - and I'm VERY thankful for all I have, simple though it may be.
Glad you got your bloggy issue all straightened out... that can be pretty frustrating! I had just wondered the other day if something terrible had happened to you, as it said you hadn't updated in 3 weeks - thank god you are ok, and it was just a technical issue!!
I'm thankful you are all home safe and sound. I'm thankful I was able to help; I couldn't deal with the thought that you had given up and we weren't going to hear from you any more. And, although I have an inkling as to what this 'Hotmanistan' is about, I am really looking forward to reading about it!
Welcome back!
Woo, glad to see you up and running again. I'm still playing catch up with everyone for the few days I've lost (I think I'll just start fresh).
Happy SITS Share Saturday!
I'm thankful that it is almost time for school to start back here! Wooooohooooo!
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