About the award:
Blogs that receive the Let’s Be Friends Award are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.
I REALLY hate deciding who to pass these awards on to. Do the rest of you struggle with this? I'd love to hear from you. I always feel like my regulars will feel bad if I don't pass them on to them, but I also don't want to annoy them by ALWAYS passing them on (especially if they struggle with this like I do). Sometimes I'd like to highlight a blogger who I think doesn't get enough attention, but if I do that will everyone else wonder why they weren't chosen? I'm probably over thinking this. Anyway, there is one blogger who I've really been enjoying lately, both on our blogs and behind the scenes in email. I'm going to award this to her. And everyone else, I love and admire you all. You are all great blogging friends with charming blogs.
I'm going to pass this one on to:
FranticMommy the Queen of the Kingdom of Tired
If you don't know Frantic Mommy, you should check her out. She's got her hands full with two little ones and she doesn't mince words when it comes to the "joys" of parenting. I can so relate. Congrats, Frantic Mommy!
Yes! I struggle with it the same way. If I stick to the limit, I feel guilty about those I failed to mention, I feel bad about mentioning those who really don't care to deal with things like these, but deserve to get credit for such things, and I just end up going on and on and on and on! Vexing, sometimes, isn't it. I've read Frantic Mommy on occassion, and you've made a good choice!
Yes, Pam, I feel the same way! It's very hard to choose, and I worry about offending someone, but I also want to "spread the wealth" among those who haven't been recognized yet.
I'm going to go check out Frantic Mommy now...
Thanks Pam! you are SO sweet!
I love getting and giving awards, but I'm always sure I'm leaving someone out.
I will be checking out Frantic Mommy, I feel that way often!
Congrats on your award! Yeah, that was one of the reasons I decided to go award free on my blog. It's lovely to receive them, and I really appreciate the thought, but often they come with far too many "rules" or things to do and then to decide who to give them too and then you're passing work on to them too - it didn't seem too much like fun anymore ya know? Or maybe I'm just lazy LOL!!
Congrats Pam... It is hard to choose but it is fun to receive them.
I am still getting caught up on your latest posts... I am trying to get back in the swing of things.
Your vacation looks like it was a blast!
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