Thankful Thursday is back by popular demand! (Thanks for the reminder, Colleen).
Thankful Thursdays are all about taking the time to appreciate all the little things that actually went right during the week. I am someone who can get flustered very easily - even when the smallest thing goes wrong. So why not focus on all the little things that went right and be grateful?
1. I'm thankful, joyful and on the edge of my seat because the premiere of my favorite TV show - The Office - is on tonight. Can't wait. Also premiering tonight is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. This is a show that I just recently learned about and have seen a couple of episodes on DVD. It's pretty funny and I'm curious to see if it's a show I will really enjoy. I'll keep you all posted because now that the fall line up has started I'll be able to post TV Quick Quips on Saturdays again. (Don't lie. You're all dying for Quips to come back!). Of course, many of the shows I really like don't start until January and some are cable shows, so who knows when they'll start. But, I'll take what I can get.
2. I'm thankful for the good advice and support of my close friends and my husband. This past week I had to deal with a sticky situation and Geoff and my friends really helped me decide how best to handle it. And I think that their advice really allowed me to get to the heart of the matter and handle it in the best possible way. (Unfortunately, I can't go into details here, in such a public forum. But, it's nothing serious. A tempest in a teapot, really).
3. I was surprised, honored and thankful that my oh so grown up 17 year old daughter turned to me today when she needed someone to talk to. This doesn't happen all that often anymore, and I'm so glad to know that when she needs someone to listen and support her that she will still turn to me. I hope she's never too old for that!
4. I'm thankful that the Mah Jongg class that I teach at the Senior Center has started again. I didn't realize how much I would miss those ladies over the summer. They are all amazing, interesting, funny and smart women and I enjoy laughing with them every Monday afternoon.
How about you? What are you thankful for this week?
Image from Google Images
I'm thankful for my two girlfriends that are coming for the weekend (tomorrow) to celebrate by 40th birthday in Chicago (and for the hubby who is letting me go)!
I can't wait for The Office either. I love that show.
It's good to see your list, you've had a good week.
Maybe I'll do my Friday Five tomorrow!
I know I've said it before, Pam, but this is just such a great idea! Maybe I'll steal it for my CFS blog.
Thinking about being grateful is just what I needed tonight because I'm feeling overhwelmed, like I'm not getting enough done. Pausing to be thankful is just what I need.
So, let's see...
I'm thankful as always for my wonderful sons and that they're both feeling well and enjoying the school year so far.
I'm thankful that my Dad and his wife are coming to visit for the weekend - if I stop feeling frantic about getting ready for their visit, I realize I'm looking forward to seeing them.
I'm thankful that I'm feeling a little better than last week and am able to do a few things this week.
Thanks for reminding me to be thankful!
Yay! Must see TV!!!
I'm thankful to be rid of my irksome uterus, one ovary, and a particularly ginormous fibroid.
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