Thankful Thursdays are all about taking the time to appreciate all the little things that actually went right during the week. I am someone who can get flustered very easily - even when the smallest thing goes wrong. So why not focus on all the little things that went right and be grateful?
The first day of the New Year seems like an especially appropriate time to reflect on those things for which we are grateful. So even though it's Friday, here is this week's Thankful Thursday post.
1. I'm thankful that the holidays were actually a lot more relaxing and much less stressful than I thought they would be. Come to think of it, the last few years the holidays have actually been very nice. I think I forget that every year because the holidays were hectic and stressful for so many years. The many, many stressful years seem to block out the fewer nicer years. I think I'm going to write a note in my new calendar on November 1st, reminding myself that the holidays have been delightful the last few years. Then I won't be such a Bah Humbug as the holidays approach.
2. I'm thankful that both of my girls were extremely helpful this year getting ready for the holiday and then again cleaning up the house after Christmas Day. (Think this might have something to do with the nicer holiday?). Madeleine spent hours on Christmas Eve helping me prepare the house for our annual Christmas day get together and dinner. Then both girls helped me clean up after everyone left on Christmas night. It was so nice to wake up on December 26 and have the whole house back in order. Ahhh!
3. I'm thankful that in spite of all the holiday hecticness our family made time to watch A Christmas Story, our favorite Christmas movie. Geoff and I also managed to watch The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (the cartoon version) and Love Actually - the two other Christmas movies I like.
4. I'm thankful for the start of a New Year. The beginning of each year always feels like a fresh start. Something about putting away all the holiday decorations and gifts, getting ready for the regular routine to begin again and opening up a brand spanking new calendar, gives me a sense of renewal and new beginnings. I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions, but I am looking forward to dusting out the proverbial cobwebs and starting the New Year with a sense of hope and anticipation. I hope 2010 is a wonderful year for all of you.
Happy New Year!
How about you? What are you thankful for this week?
Your thankfulness is very inspiring and good to read. I think in all, you've had a good year and it really seemed to end well.
I'm thankful today for a new year, and while just a different day with a new year # attached, I envision some new fresh beginning, and I like the imagery.
I'm going to steal Anita's answer and say I'm thankful for a new year...a new fresh beginning.
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest Pam! I think you and I would have a lot in common. I have enjoyed reading your post and you have really made me think about what I am thankful for. Have a great day.
I am actual thankful for the snow storm that hit our area Christmad Day. We stayed home, hung out with each other made some new holiday traditions!
I like that 'fresh start' feeling, too. I am very much looking forward to getting back into some sort of routine.
A christmas story is my all time fave movie!!!! Dad's gonna kill Ralphie!
I'm so glad you had a nice holiday.
I'm just getting caught up on a lot of blogs I've been neglecting/missing!
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