If you're like me you keep saying you're going to read (or reread) the classics, but you don't get around to it very often. Or perhaps you've tried to read one and found it to be too dry or difficult to get into. Maybe you got lucky and read one and hit the jackpot. I've actually had all of the above happen to me recently. I keep thinking I should throw a classic into my reading lineup every now and then. And then I read Wuthering Heights and it was awful (my apologies if you loved it). More recently, I read Lord of the Flies as part of a HS assignment that I did with my daughter. And if you've been reading this blog for a while you know I LOVED it. So, how do you find a good classic as opposed to a boring one? Up until now that has been the $64,000 question. Well, I have good news.
Welcome to 60 Second Recap, a series of one minute video clips that give quick summaries of different aspects of classic literature - plot, themes, characters, etc. It's all hosted by Jenny Sawyer an energetic, insightful and cool 20-something. She doesn't give anything away and it's not a Cliffsnotes-type summary, but it does give you some idea of whether or not you might like the book. As a test case I watched the clips of Lord of the Flies, and they were very entertaining and I felt she did a terrific job presenting the book.
This would be a valuable resource for students who need to choose a classic for their English classes or could use a little help figuring out the themes of the story. It's also a wonderful resource for bookworms like me, who would love to read the classics, but don't know where to begin.
Check out the one minute Overview clip of Lord of the Flies.
I'm trying to read 5 classics this year...but I have a hard time knowing what to read! Going to check this out now!
What a great idea. I will have to check this out!
I think that's a great idea. I haven't read many classics in years. I'm hoping to read along with some Jr year Lit this Spring.
Still trying to get through Jane Eyre. Like it alot but it is smarter than me. My People Magazine is more my level but I am determined to finish!
I loved Wuthering Heights! I read it mnany years ago, though (20 or so?) so maybe I'd feel differently now. I liked Lord of the Flies, too - just read that one a few years ago. My husband has enjoyed reading The Count of Monte Cristo recently.
Yes, I do want to read more classics and no, I never do get around to it, unless it's a book group selection. I've read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and To Kill a Mockingbird (American classics, anyway) for book groups and loved both.
I'll have to check out those mini videos.
I have been DYING to reread "To Kill A Mockingbird". Atticus, Scout, Boo Radley-- that is my all-time favorite classic!
Confessions From A Working Mom
Every year, i try to challenge myself to read more Classics (even going so far as to join reading challenges dedicated to this pursuit!), but every year I fail to read as many as I'd hoped -- even if it's just one! LOL.
Glad to find your blog today -- came to it through first www.extravagantgrace.net which led me to www.thesitsgirls.com which led me to you! :)
From a fellow book blogger/reviewer,
I too have been trying to find the time to get back through the classics. So many great reads, plus blogs, ug not enough hours in the day!
Thanks for the 60 second recap vlog promotion. The idea is great and fun.
Sundays are a great day to chill.
I purchased Sense and Sensibility years ago for $3.00 at a bookstore bargain bin. I haven't read it yet; don't know what I'm waiting for. Motivation I guess. I also admit to never reading [or remembering that I've read] Pride and Prejudice and A Prayer for Owen Meany. Shame on me...
That's a fun idea. This could have come in handy when I was a college English major, at least I could have pretended to be more well read than I actually was.
What a great resource for kids who are trying to decide what book to write a report on. Love that! Happy Sunday to you. Just stopping in to say hi! :)
Wow, Pam. Yet ANOTHER thing we have in common. I hated Wuthering Heights and I really don't get why it's considered such a great "love" story.
This 60 Second Recap sounds great. I'm definitely going to check it out.
I read so many classics in high school as part of an AP English class. Now I can't remember a thing about a lot of the books. Perhaps these recaps could jog my memory.
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