Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Did we hit a few nerves out there or what? In case you don’t know what I’m referring to, last weekend Sandy of It's a Jungle Out There and I launched a new blog called Words of Wisdom……Join the Conversation. Our hope in starting this adventure is to create a place for bloggers who enjoy reading and writing posts with great content to find each other and to share.

As of this writing we have 40 followers which seems pretty good for only a couple days. I’ve been cruising around the blogosphere this week checking out the posts written about WOW and especially focusing on the comments left on those blogs. There have been two recurring themes among those comments.

One is that many of you are questioning whether you are what we are “looking for;” if you “qualify.” Again, I want to stress that we are NOT looking for “great” authors. Who or what is that anyway? A great author/writer means different things to different people.

To those of you who are asking if you are who we are looking for I say, follow our format, submit your posts and let’s see what happens. I can tell you that at WOW we definitely want people who have something to say. While we don’t mean to criticize or eliminate the occasional product review giveaway or meme, we are just hoping to appeal to those who write more with “great content” and definitely with less commercialism.

It’s difficult to sum that up in a few words. Basically, we are looking for people who write blog posts that make the reader think or sit up and take notice. They can be funny or serious.

And secondly, we want to stress that in no way are we bashing "Mommy Bloggers." I was a SAHM for 17 years, 5 months and 15 days. I don’t think of myself as "Mommy Blogger", even though I sometimes write about my kids and family. And while Sandy is not a mother, she often writes about family. And I plan to continue writing about my family occasionally; sometimes in a serious way, sometimes not so serious. Both Sandy and I followed the particular blog that people have mentioned and who, quite frankly, have taken some shots at. We both followed that blog for months and overall it was a positive experience. I found several blogs and bloggers there that I enjoy and continue to follow. WOW is just our way of branching off into something of our own that we thought (and now know) certain bloggers might be looking for.

So if you haven’t stopped by WOW, please do and let us know what you think.


Unknown said...

Hi Pam, it's been interesting linking about to the blogs of some of the followers of WOW. I have noticed some rather harsh tones about mommy bloggers, and while I know they aren't talking about me, heck they don't know me, I do blog a LOT about my family.
No I don't follow many that are mostly blogging about their pre-school age children and what they are doing, it's not really a draw for me, but those bloggers have their place too. I know you agree with me.
I'm sort of rambling, so forgive me.
Have you dropped following SITS all together?

Anonymous said...


I think the term "mommy blogger" is being used loosely by a lot of bloggers in general. I think there are other issues related to the whole mommy blogger experience...I think it's just that non-mommy bloggers, such as myself, want their place too in the blogosphere and want to find other non-mommy bloggers. We all want to find those that we can relate to, right? The problem with that other site that shall remain nameless is that the focus seemed to be solely on mommy bloggers (despite claims to the contrary)and that can understandably create some resentment. Just my opinion.


~Kristen~ said...

I just commented on this on Sandy's blog so I won't take up a bunch of space saying the same thing again, because Kathie just said it so well and in much fewer words that I managed to say it in! :-)

I just think that anything that gets people talking is a good thing! It is free publicity! And what you and Sandy created will continue to generate buzz because you have done such an incredible thing!!! :-)

Furry Bottoms said...

WHAT is wrong with a place for content bloggers? I mean there are SO many Mommy Blog "Clubs" out there that I am very very excluded from, because I am not a Mommy. I don't complain to them because of it (maybe I should? Nah) I just don't join in because I know I won't fit in. WOW does not exclude anyone. It includes Mommies too, and everybody else. That is what I like about it. All I want is to find bloggers out there who talk about things that anyone could be impacted by, not just mommies.

SparkleFarkel said...

You know, I can't be sure if I belong in this collective or not. This morning, I did a taste test, offering my blog to my dog, Janey, who immediately "sat up and took notice." (I had to start somewhere.) This afternoon, I will balance one on her nose. If after a few minutes, she goes for it, am I "in"?

Everyday Kathy said...

Hey there Pam,

Happy to have found you courtesy of my bloggy friend Nancy, aka BLissed-Out Grandma. I have been looking for a way to grow my network and tried a few memes but a lot of the blogs just didn't feel like a fit. Thanks for what you are doing over here! I'm on a little hiatus this week, to do some back end blog work, after blogging for 6 months "on topic" but I'll be back next week with the continuation of my Everyday Bliss endeavor. I look forward to getting to know you!

Warmest regards,
Kathy over at Everyday Bliss

Andrea said...

I totally missed that you started something like that! Congrats to you! How very cool! I'll go check it out. :) Good luck w. it, too!

FranticMommy said...

I love to write. Period. Which is why I blog. I think this is a great thing. Mom Bloggers are a force to be respected and a couple of the other commentors a spot on. I'd love to be on WOW. What do I need to do? Thanks Pam!

tori said...

It's me...just going on over now to join :)
I think it sounds wonderful!

Elle said...

I think Kathie said it perfectly: "I think it's just that non-mommy bloggers, such as myself, want their place too in the blogosphere and want to find other non-mommy bloggers. We all want to find those that we can relate to, right?" AMEN to that!

That's what I was trying to communicate in my blog post about WOW, and I don't think it came across as well as I would've liked. I was in no way trying to bash mommy bloggers...I know they have their place too. Their place and my place just aren't the same.

I just don't understand why there would be any backlash from that other blog. More bloggy support, and more options for bloggy communities, cannot be a bad thing.

Ronnica said...

Though I'm not a mommy blogger, I have nothing against them. I follow several. Regardless of one's stage in life, I look for bloggers who are writing interesting things, whether it be their life, their opinions, or something deeper.

Though I can see how someone would think that WOW was created as the anti-SITS. It seems to follow the exact same format/language. I know you, so I didn't think that's what you did, but I can see why people would think that.

Crone and Bear It said...

Hi Pam - I think it was and is a great idea and I also am tickled pink that you let me join your tribe of BONs! And what a great way to connect with and make new bloggy friends? You and Sandy both rule in my book! Hugs!


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