Last week was Spring Break for my two daughters. This year my husband, Geoff, took Katie and Madeleine to AZ for a visit. (We used to live there, Geoff still has business there and my in-laws winter there). And me? I stayed home. Alone! That's right. I had the entire house to myself for a week. Eight days and 7 nights of peace and quiet and no distractions. Can you say heaven?
I had a wonderful week full of a good balance of activities and quiet time. I attended two shows (one in NYC), a movie, a museum exhibit, a literary performance, a garden show, got a pedicure, got together with two HS friends I hadn't seen in 28 years and had dinner out with a friend and another dinner with family. All that in addition to enjoying quiet mornings and evenings., having complete control of the remote control and the sofa and I didn't have to share the bathroom with two teenage girls. What more can a girl ask for?
There is something very rejuvenating about having your house to yourself for an extended period of time with few or no obligations. As wives and moms, we are constantly being pulled in a million different directions. We are always "on" - dealing with the distractions of our own lives and the needs and obligations of the others in our families. And as wonderful as vacations and girls weekends are, somehow having the solitude and serenity that comes with being alone in your own home is actually more relaxing and renewing than time away from home and family.
For all you harried and overworked wives and moms out there, I highly encourage you to try to arrange your own Home Alone Vacation. Even if only for a night or a weekend. Don't feel guilty about it. It's OK, healthy even, to take this time to be alone. To get in touch with your own needs and to quiet your mind. Everyone deserves a little R & R. Even wives and moms.