I love Musing Monday questions that I can sink my teeth into. And this is one of them. My quick answer is "it depends". If the movie is based on a book that I wasn't interested in reading in the first place (ie: The Devil Wears Prada), then I do not feel the need to go out and read it. If, on the other hand, the book is one that I've been wanting to read, I almost always read it BEFORE I see the movie (I can't think of an example of this right now). Usually the storyline loses something in translation from book to film and I like to enjoy the original first. Many times I have already read the book long before it is made into a film. If that is the case, I judge the movie on its own merits, because I can no longer remember the details of the book and therefore can not be disappointed that the movie is not true to the original story (ie Memoirs of a Geisha, The Time Travelers Wife and The Lovely Bones). And some times when I see a movie that piques my interest, I will do a little research on the topic/person after I see an intriguing movie (ie Robin Hood). Hence, my original answer - "it depends".
How about you? Do you enjoy movies that have been made from books? Do you seek them out? Avoid them like the plague? Watch the movie first or read the book first? I'd love to hear your take. You can also write your own Musing Monday post and link up at the Just One More Page.
I feel the same way. If I've never heard of the book, I usually don't go and read it. If there is a book being made into a movie, I almost always try to read it before I see the movie. But it was only after I saw "How to Train Your Dragon," that I found out it was based on a book series, and I can't wait to read them.
As soon as I saw the question I immediately thought "It depends" also. I always re read the Twilight and Harry Potter books before I watch the new movie that comes out. Sometimes when I read a book though and then a movie comes out I'm hesitant to watch it because I'm afraid it won't live up to the books expectations. It usually just depends ;p
NO!!!! The only two movies I've ever seen that have been every bit as good as the book was "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter". I loved Dennis Lehane's "Shutter Island" and even tho I'd like to see the movie adaption I'm so, so afraid it'd ruin my love for the book. I wonder if they'll ever do one on
"Olive Kitteridge". In so many ways the character of Olive reminds me of my mom. Depending on who they'd get to play her, I might cave in and see that one.
Like you, it depends. If I liked the book I really want to see the movie and I tend to campare it with the book. I want to see how close the two campare.
How have you been... it has been a long time since I have been on Blogger. I don't know why because I really like it. Just trying to juggle my time... as always. LOL
I always try to read the book before I see the movie, even if it means not seeing the movie in theaters. Yet, sometimes a movie will introduce me to a book I didn't know about, such as "Memoirs of a Geisha" or "Mystic River." In those cases, I reluctantly read the book after seeing the movie.
I am the same when it comes to books vs movies. I would prefer to read the book first, but between a hectic life and the ease of seeing a movie, I get picky to decide where I must read a book vs seeing a movie. I couldn't see myself reading the Twilight series, so I just watched the movie, I know I am outnumbered here, but I read all the Harry Potter books before the movie... each to our own...right? ;)
Like everyone here, I say it depends. I have seen movies that seemed to use their book as a movie script (names escape me as usual) and I don't usually enjoy those. Although I think I have read that books have actually been written AFTER movies. But in general I think movies seldom do books justice. There is just so much more a book can get into that a movie can't.
I agree with your first point. A movie that I want to see but haven't because I haven't read the book is The Count of Monte Christo. I also delayed seeing Gone with the Wind to the same end.
I often will go and read a book if I really LOVE the movie, even if I wasn't all that interested in the book.
I'm like you, I guess. If I know a movie is coming out that's based on a book I've been wanting to read, I'll try to read it before the movie. Since I've studied film and screenwriting a little bit, I try to judge the movie on its own merits and enjoy both the book and the movie for their individual ways of telling the story.
No never will I track down a book I have not read after seeing the film.
I have to read the book first if I'm going to read it. If I see a movie and haven't read the book, I won't go looking for it because I'll already have the movie in my head. Alot of times though, if I enjoyed the book I will watch the movie :)
I enjoy seeing movies based on books I enjoyed - some recent ones include The Time Traveler's Wife (one of my favorite books), The Tenth Circle (a Jodi Picoult book), The Sweet Hereafter (which I liked better as a movie than as a book).
If the movie follows the book closely, I usually like it, but I hate when they take a great book (like Jumper) and make a bad movie from it!
My family just gave me the DVD of To Kill a Mockingbird for Mother's Day - can't wait to see it - one of my favorite books!
I'm like you...it depends. Usually I'm disappointed, but sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised. And those are the real delights. When I see a movie that reflects the picture in my head, that I truly enjoy. They never live up to the standard that is the book, but sometimes, just sometimes, they create a similar magic.
Hope you are well!!
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Mama Hen
I get disappointed at times when I read a book and then see the movie or see the movie and then read the book. It all depends!
Mama Hen
I learned this lesson the hard way, I went to see The Notebook with a friend who had read the book (I hadn't) and throughout the entire she sat there saying things like "that didn't happen in the book" or "that character is completely different in the book" it drove me crazy! And I realized right then that if you (like me) love books, you will always be disappointed in the movie. They can never fit everything in a book into a 2 hour movie! Things have to be changed to make it Hollywood worthy!
And I've also learned that if I like the movie, I will then LOVE the book, because it always adds so much more to the story. So I try always to see the movie first, so I can like them both. I know this is the opposite of many people.
If it's not a book I care deeply about, it's not so bad to read the book first then see the movie. But, I'm much more prefer it the other way around. If there is a book I've been wanting to read & I know a movie is coming out, I will buy the book, then wait to read it until after I have seen the movie! I'm reading The Last Song right now because I really liked the movie, I probably wouldn't have read it if there hadn't been a movie. :)
As you said.."it depends". There are some movies that don't do the book justice...well, most movies, but it doesn't really bug me as it does a lot of people who review the movie afterwards. That's just me though. ::shrugs:: As for hearing about a movie that interests me and searching for the book that inspired it, oh yes, I'm a sucker for good trailers that spark my interest. "Eat, Pray, Love" for instance. A blogger (Optimal Optimist) had mentioned it in one of her posts and she shared the trailer. I automatically purchased the book (within 10 minutes lol) and LOVE IT!! I will watch Eat,Pray,Love on my birthday weekend this year. :)
I'm usually disappointed in movies that are based on books that I loved. So I try to steer clear of them. Few exceptions include the Harry Potter movies and "The Devil Wears Prada." Yes, Prada was different than the book. But I thought the movie was equally as good.
Well I for one like to see films after I've read the book too. Last week I went to an advanced screening of Eat, Pray, Love and the film was slow in parts and frustrating much like the book. Which I didn't love. I'll probably post about both soon so I don't want to exhaust my thoughts here. I'll close by saying that the film was more enjoyable[because Hollywood must entertain at the end of the day] but it departs from the tone of the whiny selfishness that Elizabeth Gilbert displays in EPL.
If I find out after I have seen the film (as the opening credits usually) that it is based on a book, I do indeed go hunting for it.
The only time I can honestly say I liked a movie better then the book was Witches of Eastwick. The book is brilliant, but the movie just has more heart.
Came from WOW to say hi.
I go by the title and the back cover copy. I get so disappointed when I buy a book and don't like it. It's so difficult to find a book to read.
Good question. I read the Harry Potters first and watched the movies second. The thougt the movies just it enhanced the thrill of the books. Make sense?
Funny story. My blog just turned TWO! Whoot! I read somewhere that two is really like TWENTY in Blog Years. Anyway, I went back..way back to those early days when my blog was a baby. I read the stories...and WOW, I was pretty green back then. Then I read the comments and there YOU were! Cool! So THANKS for supporting me "back then" and stop back by for a peek of me two years later. Thanks!
I like seeing movies based on books, but I try to keep my expectations low! :-)
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