Monday Musings is hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading. Today's Monday Musing asks:
What is the longest book you have ever read? How long did it take you to read it?
The longest book I've ever read is Gone with the Wind (1,011 pages). I read it the summer I was 14 years old. I can not remember how long it took me to read it, but I do have a vivid vision of myself sitting barefoot on my front stoop wearing my favorite jeans with the rip in the knees and reading it in the shade of a giant maple tree. Scarlet O'Hara is still my favorite character from literature.
How about you? What's the longest book you have ever read? And a related question... Does the length of a book influence whether or not you will choose to read it, regardless of how interesting the story sounds?
How about you? What's the longest book you have ever read? And a related question... Does the length of a book influence whether or not you will choose to read it, regardless of how interesting the story sounds?
I have no idea what the longest book I ever read was. I have read some doozies! The length of the book rarely influences my choice to read or not to read but it will influence the WHEN ...
I can't remember the longest book I read....need I say I'm not a fan. I am hugely intimidated by big books, I don't know why. I do look at books over 600 pages and wonder how long it will keep my attention, can it...etc. I know I'm likely missing out on a lot.....see, now I've created a new reading phobia...ha ha.
I think Gone With the Wind is probably mine also. However, Anna Karenina - 900 some?
I have read may books that seemed like they were more than a 1000 pages.How I stuck with them, I don't know.
The longest one I have read recently was Pillars of the Earth, I can't remember how many pages but it went on for-ev-er.
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