Here's my take on this week's episodes of my favorite TV shows:
The Tudors - Still blown away by the acting. Jonathan Rhys Meyers does an amazing job as a distraught and slightly mad King Henry.
American Idol - Where to begin? First, I do not think Allison should have gone home before Kris or Danny. I like Kris, but Allison is definitely a better singer. I'm not sure I really like Danny anymore. I was impressed with him for a while, but now... not so much. Adam, of course, is still #1 to me. On to Paula... What did you all think of her performance? I was not favorably impressed. It was obvious she was lip-syncing, the lyrics and her dance were kind of sleazy for this venue, and her dancing seemed a little strained at times. I will admit that some of the "stunts" were impressive, but they were just that - STUNTS! Overall, I felt as though she was trying too hard. Anyone else think she sounded like Britney Spear? *shudders* More about Paula... Did any of you hear her interview with Ryan Seacrest on the radio on Tuesday (or possibly Wednesday)? He interviewed her about her "upcoming" performance on Idol and he asked her about rumors that she will be leaving Idol at the end of this season. She would not confirm or deny, but she did say that she had been presented with many opportunities and still had a couple of weeks before the end of the season to make up her mind. AHA! I'm not sure if I've said it here or not, but I have said that I felt that Kara was brought to Idol this season as a way of easing the audience into accepting Paula's departure and to avoid a Jane Pauley/Paula Zahn-esque drama. And I speculate that if Paula leaves it will not be completely of her own volition. Just a guess. But, it seems like maybe there is some truth to it.
LOST - Did you all catch that next week is the season finale? I'm actually kind of glad about that. This show is just too confusing and I'm ready for a break. I've said it before, but if I hadn't invested so much time in this show already and if I didn't know that the writer's have a real destination in mind as far as the plot is concerned, I would have given up a LONG time ago. Right now, I'm ready to end this season and move on to next season - which is the final season - and just GET IT OVER WITH ALREADY! There I said it. Something tells me I'm not alone in this.
The Office - I had seen the previews for this episode in which Pam says that she and Jim are getting married "today". Inside I was a squealy fangirl, but I knew in my heart of hearts that the wedding would never happen this episode for the simple fact that they let us see that clip. But I was disappointed just the same. I would LOVE it if we got to see the wedding this season. Dragging it out doesn't really make sense with Jim and Pam's history and her endless engagement to Roy. But, I'm losing hope that we will see a wedding this season. Grrr! On a different note, I LOVED when Angela told Michael that if he's going to make her be at the party she should be allowed to have some fun - by cleaning up! I so get Angela sometimes and that really frightens me.
Oh no! You relate to Angela! (I sometimes relate to Kelly, so, um, I'm not gonna judge...)
Tammy - Yup! I can relate to Angela (in some ways) and it's VERY scary. Just ask my husband!
Hey Pam, I don't watch any of these shows, but wanted to comment, just to show you the love babe...LOL.
Ah, So I went through on Demand, they were only showing season 2. I read over each synopsis and caught up that way, watching only Anne's execution. I loved Anne, and watching her have her necked sliced and diced did not put me in favor of Lady Jane Seymore (I'm sure I"m spelling her name incorrectly). Now I will be able to start catching up on Season 3. You are so correct about JR. I've seen him in other movies and was so so about it, but he has certainly taken this role by the horns.
American Idol. I haven't really watched this show since Chris Daughtry was voted out long long ago. Woo, he showed them, didn't he. As for Paula, well, she's just reaching for straws when it comes to revitalizing her song and dance routine. However, even as a watcher/nonwatcher of the show, I think it would be sad to see her go. I love watching how Simon and she flirt, yes, the do flirt, and a lot too! I also think that many people watch the show, even though perhaps subconciously, just to see her screwy behavior. Didn't she sign a contract that has her judging til 2010? AND, before this comment turns into a novel, Chris Daughtry was the highlight of my viewing pleasure. Can't wait for his new album to come out, but I wish he'd get a new beard design. Also, one more, I agree. Even though Allison isn't my personal choice, she blew it away last week with her rendition of Janis. That girl can sing, and she definately outsung Danny last week. Danny, in the spirit of american idol, blew chunks.
I hear you I am totally in the same boat as far as LOST! I am ready to be done for the season. If I hadn't given up so many hours trying to figure it out, I would have stopped awhile back. The Office is sooo funny, I love that show!
Anita - I feel the love! You are too funny!
Alex - Too bad you couldn't see more episodes of The Tudors on Demand. If you are interested, I know they are available on DVD. I'm not sure about Paula's contract and her erratic behavoir will probably lessen now that she has been through rehab for her addiction to painkillers (which she just admitted). Drama-city. I must admit I love Daughtry and I think losing Idol was probably the best thing that could have happened to him career-wise. Now he can be in a band (as opposed to a solo artist) and he has much more creative freedom than he would have as "the" Idol. Allison will probably go on to make a record regardless. It remains to be seen if she'll just make one like most Idol "rejects" (for lack of a better word) or if she'll have the success that Daughtry has had.
Crystal - I just KNEW I wasn't the only one who fe;t this way about LOST! And The Office will always hold a special place in my heart. The romance between Jim and Pam during seasons 1 and 2 just sucked me in and keeps me watching (even though the past couple of seasons have not really been all that fabulous in the JAM department). A JAM wedding WOULD change all that though. I'm just saying....
Just saying hi! as you know I am not watching these at this time...I have to admit I am not even missing AI (first season I haven't watched)
Have a VERY HAPPY mothers day tomorrow>
Terra - Thanks for stopping by to say "hi" even though you don't watch any of these shows. Wow! Between you and Anita I'm really feeling the love today! I can completely understand how you feel about not missing AI. I felt the same way about Survivor. I watched that show religiously from the beginning, but finally one season (about 3 or 4 series ago) I just didn't feel like watching it and I never missed it. I think there just comes a time for shows like these that you've just had your fill. Time to move on, I guess. I hope you have a Happy Mother's Day as well.
As frustrating as Lost can be, I am fascinated. I wish there were a new episode every week for the entire year. I agree it has become confusing and I don't like the introduction of all the new characters this year. But, still, I watch.
Always have enjoyed the puzzle of time travel, although not the Time Traveler's Wife. Do like Somewhere In Time.
I am with you on Idol... I think Kris is the one who should of gone. About Paula... I think I agree with you on this too... but I have a very hard time listening to Kara (she drives me batty) Paula was hard enough, Kara is 10 times worse!
And Lost... I am a die hard fan.
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