Seems so weird that there are only two shows left to "quip" about. Well, here's my thoughts about this week's episodes of my favorite shows (what's left of them):
The Tudors - Three things struck me in this episode. First, I don't think poor Anne of Cleves looks like a horse! YIKES! And if Henry would just be kinder and gentler to her, maybe it would all work out (yes, I know I'm trying to rewrite history. And in reality Anne was supposed to have been badly scarred by smallpox. But Joss Stone isn't, so saying she looks like a horse is not working for me). Secondly, in the previews for the next episode we seen Henry's next wife (his 5th). Since he only had 6, does this mean next season will be the last? Say it isn't so. And lastly, I've always been sympathetic to the Duke of Suffolk (no, not just because he's handsome) because he seemed to have a real sense of morality. BUT, he is starting to be just as scheming and unethical as everyone else now and I really don't like it. I agree with his wife when she says she wants her "sweet Charles" back. Yeah, me too!

This next part is being written after the finale. OMG!!!! I can NOT believe Kris actually won! I'm so happy and so bummed all at the same time. But more happy - I think. I really wanted Kris to win, but then when he did I felt bad for Adam. (Who handled not winning like a champ, I might add). And wasn't Kris just so humble and adorable when he won? I've never felt so torn about an Idol finale before (and I've watched them all). I wish they could both win. Anyway, I think Adam is going to have an amazing career, with or without the Idol title. I'm not sure I can say the same for Kris. So maybe it is good that he won. Anyway, I'm rambling again. I just love them both!
What did you all think of the rest of show? I was amazed by it. I had no idea there were going to be so many "stars" performing. Some were truly stars, but I thought a few were has beens. Oh well. And did anyone else think Rod Stewart was drunk - or possibly suffering from a medical condition that makes old people unsteady on their feet? Geoff and I actually had to fast forward through it because it was just so upsetting to watch. How about when Kris sang with Keith Urban. Are Geoff and I the only ones who thought Kris sounded better than Keith? Wow! Anyway, I thought it was an entertaining show. I could have missed the silly awards they gave out. But, I LOVED hearing Kara sing! I've liked her right from the start, but now I think I have a little bit of a girl crush on her. She's a great singer in addition to being personable, likable and a good judge. She always has something valuable to say to each contestant. I hope she's back next year.
Images from Google Images
I haven't watched any AI at all since - the Bo Bice incident (swear I'll blog about it one day when I've got nothing else to talk about...) but Tom tuned in for KISS.
I felt so left out in the blogosphere this week 'cause everyone was talking about it everywhere!!!
Tammy - The Bo Bice incident? I remember him being on the show and that I liked him, but I don't remember the circumstances of his leaving (or even who won that season). Care to remind me?
Rod Stewart was TOTALLY drunk...
Kathy B! - If so, that was completely disgraceful! I can't believe that they let him go onstage. Drunkenness was my first thought and then I wondered if maybe he isn't just old and unsteady or have Parkinson's or something. It was like watching a train wreck.
Yes, Tammy, the Bo Bice incident? Aside from him being hot and talented, of course. I haven't really watched AI since the Chris Daughtry incident (hmphf). As for the Tudors, I felt the same way when Caesar was assassinated in the HBO series "Rome." Fortunately, they continued...such a good series. Love it when they combine History and entertainment in a way that is both accurate (for the most part) and enjoyable.
Alex - I remember when Daughtry was eliminated and it was shocking. But, I do think it was the best thing for him. As a rocker, I think he would have been stifled as the "Idol". Also, he said himself that he is not a solo artist, he is part of a band. He has such amazing success, without the Idol title. More than most Idol winners. I think the same will be true for Adam. He will have more artistic freedom without the Idol "ball and chain". Kris, however, will be able to use that title to advance his career.
As for The Tudors, I hope it is not the last season coming up. And I love the history/entertainment combination. I haven't watched Rome. Maybe that would be a good "summer" series. Sometimes I find a series that I missed originally and play catch up during the summer. I'll have to look into it.
i am behind in this season's tudors. it is the only tv show that i watch faithfully. and i LOVE charles brandon. i even loved him when he cheated on princess margaret (that was her name, wasn't it?). i don't think even his scheming could change that for me.
Beth - Well, I still LUST after Charles, but my love for him is waning. I liked him much better when he was struggling with his conscience for following the King's orders even when he knew they were wrong. Now, he's scheming and being evil for his own purposes and that lowers him in my eyes. Of course, that does absolutely nothing to negate his amazing hotness! Let's just say I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers. LOL!
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