This past Saturday I attended my first Major League Baseball game. I saw the Red Sox play the Toronto Blue Jays at Fenway. First, let me say that I am not a big sports fan (and neither is Geoff). I do get excited when the NE teams make it to the play offs/World Series/Superbowl and I might even make an effort to watch one of those "big" games. But, regular season games don't warrant a blip on my radar screen. My mom on the other hand, LOVES the Red Sox. She watches as many games as she possibly can, but has never been to a live game. Not even the PawSox.
So at the end of last baseball season, when Geoff suggested we take the girls to see a game at Fenway, I immediately thought about my mom. Being the terrific guy that he is, Geoff readily agreed that we should invite her to attend the game with us. So, last January I had an opportunity to get tickets through the local Community School (on which I sit on the Board). The Community school runs a bus trip to Fenway about 3 times during the summer and the seats sell out really quickly. I was so excited to be able to secure seats for the 4 of us and my mom. I was dying to tell her about the tickets, but since her birthday is in mid-August and the game was on August 29th, I decided to wait and give her the ticket for her birthday. Which I did. She was so excited! And so was I. I had waited 7 months to give her that ticket! And then.....
Hurricane Danny! That's right. The remnants of Hurricane Danny came through Boston on Saturday. It was raining cats and dogs ALL day. The bus for Fenway left at 3:30 pm for the 7:10 pm game. In the morning, I went to Dick's and bought rain ponchos for all of us. At 3:30 pm we boarded the bus - in the pouring rain. Needless to say we were all disappointed. But, miracle of miracles, the rain stopped just as the game was starting! I'm not kidding! During the national anthem and all the ceremonial first pitches it was still misty and sprinkling. But when the Red Sox took the field - it stopped! Of course, it was damp and cold and we were all a little miserable, but my mom got to see her beloved Red Sox in person. She got to see the Big Green Monster and watch as the attendant changed the stats by hand. She got to see the entire stadium, instead of just what is shown on the TV. And she got to be part of the excitement of the crowds buying hot dogs, baseball caps, and hot chocolate (did I mention it was cold?). Not to mention the tension and excitement of the crowd during the nail-biting ninth inning (the Red Sox won 3-2). So, even though we all complained a little about the lousy weather, we knew that we were experiencing a once in a lifetime event with my mom. Or maybe it was a first in a lifetime experience. Maybe will do it again next year - on a sunny day!
I'm not a huge sports fan either, but I certainly understand the excitement! What a COOL gift!!!
I would think a sunny day would be nice! It would be exciting.
You are a great daughter and you can keep a secret a LONG time!
I like sports better live.
what a sweet story!
How fun! I'm sure she loved it and I can't believe you kept the secret that long!
My brother-in-laws (Cheryl's & Jaye's husbands) are big Red Sox fans so of course their kids are too. My Dad has always loved Fenway and after living in MA for 13 yrs or so has become a bit of a fan too (I think he still likes the Yankees better!).
We have never been to a baseball (or football) game as a family either. I haven't been to a live game since I lived in Queens and we could take the subway to Shea and see the Mets....over 20 yrs.
Gail - She did love it! She called me the next two days in a row to talk about it! I know that Red Sox fans are in love with Fenway, but I'm not sure what the allure is compared to other stadiums since I've never been to any others. But, it was a very nice place. Very neat and clean and the seats were new. And the Big Green Monster is very nostalgic. It was fun to watch the numbers change - by hand.
Pam, I think next summer if you are not able to go to a Red Sox you should at the very least go to a Paw Sox game. McCoy Stadium is such a fun, family oriented, affordable place to visit and enjoy a live baseball game. Early in the season it is especially fun because you become familiar with the ball players and then as they get "called up" to the big club (the Red Sox) you feel as if you know them a bit and it is fun to see them succeed in the Major Leagues. I think you mother would enjoy this experience as well!
What a great gift! Like you and Geoff, we're more into the local teams when they're in some special playoffs or tournaments. That's about the only time we watch. I have still never been to a pro game and have no real aspirations but I bet it is exciting. It's always fun to see a place in person you've heard about your whole life.
And I agree with Colleen, check out McCoy. It's reasonably priced and a nice little stadium.
Colleen and Sandy - Going to McCoy Stadium is a great idea! We have taken the girls there a couple of times and every summer I think to myself - we should go to at least one PawSox games this year. And then we (usually) don't do it. Just like a lot of things. But, I really should MAKE it happen. AND take my mom. I bet she would like it. Though now I've probably spoiled her!
I love Fenway. I've been there twice. I can't tell you how many baseball games I've sat through, but going to the major league parks is always a great adventure. Unfortunately, as soon as we tick off a new stadium, they tear it down and build a new one. So glad they won't do that with Fenway. Glad your mom enjoyed it.
How nice.
I love stadium food. Granted it's expensive as heck but it's still sooo good.
that is so awesome!!! i can't believe you held the secret for that long! i would be tearing at the seams to tell...and what an AMAZING daughter you are. i'm sure your mom appreciated that so much!!! cute pic :)
Awww, that is a great story! I still remember my first trip to Fenway Park with my parents when I was a kid. They weren't sports fans but I was and I really wanted to go. It was incredible to see it in person! Glad you had such a great time.
That had to be hard to keep a secret that long, let alone a gift! I always want them to see it right away.Lol I bet she was ecstatic. Sooo enjoy all those moments with your Mom.
What an awesome gift!!
I'm glad you all braved the weather and enjoyed yourselves. I'm not much of a sportsfan at all, but there is a certain vibrant energy at a live event.
I bet she had the time of her life. And now I know who to trust with a secret :-)
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