This week I tried a couple of new shows in addition to my beloved The Office. As I said before, I'm not sure if I'll continue with any or all of them, but here's my take on this week's episodes.
1. The Biggest Loser - I still love Abby, but some of the other contestants are also very appealing. Actually, most of the other contestants are appealing. Except Julio! What is his deal? There is an arrogance there that makes him very unlikable. And another thing... As I said before, I've only seen a couple of random episodes of this show so I'm not sure if this is business as usual, but the product placement on this show is beyond annoying. Do we really need Jillian to show the contestants how to pre-make snacks using Ziploc bags?! Yuck! I hate that stuff. Way too blatant. Will I stop watching the show because of it? No, I'll just be a little cranky during those scenes.
2. The Good Wife - I'm on the fence on this one. I love the story line of the wife of the cheating public figure husband and how and why she "stands by her man". And I'm curious to see where that part of the show goes. BUT (and this is a big BUT), the courtroom part of this show was very weak. There is no way a junior associate on her first day in a new law firm would be given a case and have to go to court THAT DAY! There are so many courtroom dramas on TV that the TV viewing audience is not going to buy this. After watching courtroom and law type shows for over a decade (two decades?) we are simply too sophisticated for that. So, I'm going to give this another week and see what I think.
3. Modern Family - OMG! This show is comedy genius! I loved everything about it. Loved the one camera, documentary style a la The Office. Loved all the characters and their relationships with each other. So many laugh out loud moments I can't even begin to name them. But when they wrote "Shoot Luke" at 4:15 on the family calendar, I knew I was going to love this show! I'm pretty sure this one's a keeper.
4. FlashForward- Well, I'm not sure about this one. I wasn't riveted, but I think I'll give it at least one more week. Seems like this show has the potential to be another LOST - in the sense that it asks more questions than it ever answers. And as much as I love LOST, I'm not sure I can handle more than one show that drives me crazy. I'm still watching LOST mostly because I've invested so much time in it and I'm stubbornly holding on till the bitter end. But I must admit that most of the time I'm pretty "lost" myself. I'm not at all interested in getting involved in another show like that. My pea brain can't handle it.
5. The Office - After the cold open with Michael and Oscar and the colonoscopy bit, I was a little worried that maybe The Office had crossed the line from awkward to offensive (especially after the Stanley storyline from last week). The episode itself however was pretty typical for The Office. I'm beyond excited that FINALLY we are getting some real information about a Jim/Pam wedding and it seems as though we might actually get to see one this season. Hallelujah!
While watching one of the above shows (not sure which one), I saw a commercial for another new show, The Middle, which starts Wednesday starring Patricial Heaton (Deborah from Everybody Loves Raymond). It looked OK, but since I love Patricia Heaton (my family claims Deborah and I are twins), I'm going to give it a try. I'll be sure to let you know what I think. I don't think I'm going to be able to keep up with all these shows, especially once my mid-season favorites start, but we'll see.
I'd love to hear what you thought of these or other shows. Any new favorites?
Image from Google Images
I watch way too much TV. But I LOVE Lost. My very favorite. Because of that, I'm excited about FlashForward and can't wait to see what happens. I also really like Dollhouse, because I'm a huge Joss Whedon fan. Totally into The Office (though, like you I was a bit worried about that colonoscopy bit), and I work at a Community College, so naturally, I had to watch Community. It hasn't disappointed yet. I'm also a diehard Desperate Housewives fan. That one's a bit of a guilty pleasure though.
I watched The Good Wife, I'm waiting for next week to really decide.
Modern Family...........oh my gosh I loved it, Kevin is still laughing about the line, "you named her Lily, isn't that going to be hard for her to say?" It was very well done, quick humor.
I didn't see FlashForward and I don't watch the others, but good re-cap/reviews
Stopping by from SITS!! Cute blog and I enjoyed your recaps!!
I have a new favorite and I'm going to lay the blame of YOU because if you hadn't gotten me started on The Tudors, I wouldn't have been bored out of my skull while waiting for season 4 to start and started watching Dexter while waiting. Yes, I started watching Dexter, the show about the beloved serial killer that only kills bad guys. Now I'm waiting for TWO series to start their 4th season!
Thanks, Pam!
I already watch The Office-- off to check out Flash Forward, Modern Family and the Good Wife! One of my coworkers told me about Dexter but I haven't seen it yet.
Ok, I just watched Modern Family and I love it! Hilarious and just what I needed right now! More, more!
I get hook on TV especially on a Wednesday and don't mind staying up late (besides blogging)LOL.
I rarely get any tube time in my house. Last week the TV Gods aligned and I was able to watch almost a whole hour of TV undisturbed. I watched Shark Tank. Loved. It. It's about everyday folk who take their concepts or business ideas to a panel of business experts and investors. SUPER interesting.
I am so pathetic, I still don't completely get how to use my dvr, so therefore I don't watch much other than late night HBO:) Someday..
Happy Saturday Sharefest:)
I'm having a Blog for a Cure Blog Party next week on www.whoknewreviews.com. 1$ will get you some new followers, a chance to win some cool prizes, and the chance to help a great cause, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society:)
I agree with you about the good wife. I wonder what will become of this show. I hope they strengthen the story line!
Modern Family is genius. I fear for it, because I loved everything about it at first sight. Everything. This is not unprecedented. I had the same love at first sight for Arrested Development (RIP) Sons and Daughters (RIP) and Pushing Daisies (RIP) So yeah. I'm a little nervous. But so, so in. The 'Lion King' bit had me laughing so hard it brought the kids in from the other room to see if it was maybe something they needed to watch. You're right - beginning to end it was just hilarious - yet it was not so outrageous that it didn't ring true. Love, love, love.
I liked Modern Family, too, it was hysterical. That whole Circle of Life thing...
My new fave? Glee. LOVE IT!
I am a TV junkie, so thanks for the review on Modern Family - I'll have to give it a shot!
mmm...very similar to what I've watched...
Biggest loser...nope didn't watch that one.
The good wife...yup, but like you, on the fence. If she stays away from him, good on her. But I think she might get back together with him. That will be the last that I watch it.
Modern Family...Produced by Christopher Lloyd of Frasier, Will & Grace, and others. Yup, I think this one is going to be good.
Flash forward...same as you...will probably end up like Heroes or Lost, and lose me.
The office...one of my faves. I'll watch it no matter how bad it gets.
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