So, yesterday was my first day at my new job. It went pretty well. Being that I'm familiar with the work, the learning curve for this job will be pretty small. Which is a good thing. Learning a new job is pretty stressful. The people were all incredibly nice and welcoming, which is also a good thing.
As expected, the work is less than intellectually stimulating. Which is not such a good thing. And by design, it is impossible to finish the workload in the 3 hours that I am scheduled to work. (This wasn't clear to me when I interviewed for the job). And this is very hard for me. I really don't like to leave tasks unfinished, especially when those tasks are my responsibility. Apparently, it's not a big deal if I can't finish that day's interlibrary loans. Someone else will finish it up after I leave. This goes against every grain of my being. But, I guess I'm going to have to get used to it.
There was an unexpected side benefit to this job, however. My thighs got an amazing workout from all the squatting down I did to look for books on low shelves/bins. They actually started to get sore last night. And this morning it was a little difficult to go down the stairs. So, even if my brain will not be getting a workout, my thighs will. It actually might be nice to give my brain a rest for 3 hours a day and work my thighs instead. Heaven knows they could use the workout. And my brain will probably enjoy the rest.
How clever that you found a benefit from this new job!! I hope you enjoy it. Looking for the bright side is good, and hey you will get paid!
Glad to hear your first day went well. Nice bonus of the thigh workout! :)
First days are always interesting. Although your thighs are sore and it's not the most intellectually stimulating position. You are [in your 3 hours] helping someone get closer to attaining funds. The fact that you can't finish work in the short time frame means you are part of a team. I'm sure whomever finishes the job takes direction from you. You seem like the type of woman to leave copious notes and who leaves your phone open for support.
Fully knowing that is post is not a complaint but rather a glimpse, the sore thighs can be a reminder that you are an integral part of a team. Right?
Glad day 1 went pretty well Pam. Enjoy (the job and a hot bath)
Glad to hear it went well and they were friendly. The thigh workout is a great benefit, that's for sure!
Hi, Stopping by from SITS. First days of a new workout awkward. Glad yours went well. Inspite of the soreness you know that you are doing something good for you.
I hope it continues to go well, Pam. And I could sure use a thigh workout! Unfortunately, subbing does not seem to use my thighs much.
Hope your new job goes well. I love libraries!
Thanks for visiting me on my SITS day!
Always looking at the bright side:)
I am following you from FF, I know it is almost a week late, but better late than never right? I hope you will come back and follow as well. Have a good rest of your week. Juliana from A Blonde Walks Into A Blog!
Hey! Congrats on the new job! Man, you get a workout, too? Double bonus!! I start my new job on Wednesday :) I'm so excited!!
Oh the FIRST DAY! So glad it's over for you...sounds like I need to start finding books on the lower shelves. I could stand to a few squats. lol
LOL being 7 months pregnant with twins, the last thing I'm wanting these days is to go for the books on the bottom shelf! But it sounds like you had a good first day!
Congrats on your new job. I'd like a job like that, just three hours a day at a library.
Congrats on your SITS day!
Visiting from SITS...look forward to checking out your blog! :) Tanya
I love it! Unintentional exercise. The only kind of exercise this gal likes!!
I was always the same way with my work. I hated not getting my tasks done each day, but there was nobody to pick up the slack after I left. It was only me. I could have gotten real used to having a counterpart! Enjoy it.
Visiting from SITS too. Congrats on your new job. I'm thinking about applying for a library job I saw. Used to work in one in college. You have a really nice blog!
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