It was one year ago today that I started Pam's Perspective. I can't believe that I almost forgot and missed this milestone. I had no idea what I was getting into when I started this blog. As some of you may already know, the director of the library where I work asked me if I would write a book review blog for the library. I was willing, but I knew less than nothing about blogs or blogger and felt that I should practice before trying to write a public/professional blog. And that is how Pam's Perspective came into being. I do write a book review and news blog for the library, Pam's Picks, but Pam's Perspective is a much more vibrant blog. (And most of what gets posted at Pam's Picks is also posted here).
It's been an interesting year, to say the least. I've made some great bloggy friends (you know who you are) and over the course of the year I've made some adjustments to Pam's Perspective and my approach to blogging. I went from blogging a couple of times a week to obsessively blogging every day and now I blog when I feel I have something to say. In the beginning, I was also dying to be given my first award. I couldn't wait to proudly display an award button on my sidebar. And then I realized how much time it takes to respond to and pass on those awards. And how difficult it is to decide who to pass them on to. So, I went award free. When I began blogging, I publicly followed lots and lots of blogs. Now I'm much more selective and I follow anonymously. No more hurt feelings if I decide to stop following. And in the old days, I used to comment on each and every post that was written on the blogs that I follow. Now, I comment only if I feel I have something to add to the "conversation".
Looking back over the last year, I realize I've come full circle. I started out blogging for myself and that's right where I am today. I feel as though I've found balance in my blogging. I'm no longer obsessing about it - writing daily posts, how many followers do I have, how many visitors have I had, how many comments have I gotten, etc. I've enjoyed this first year of blogging and I've enjoyed meeting all of you and reading your blogs. It's been a great year. I'm looking forward to the next one. Happy Blogiversary to me!
Well let me be the first to say Happy Blogiversary. When I stumbled upon you blog months ago, I was happy to find a bookie [kind of like a foodie, not to be mistaken with one who takes cash for numbers running services]. I'd usually read what you thought of a book on your list(s) before I took the time to read it. Yaaaay.
Anyway, how cool - an entire year. Great job. Glad that you're in the blog sphere.
Pam, I smiled the entire time I was reading this. I appreciate all the growing that you have done in the past year, and I do understand what you mean about making your blogging meaningful, and to you the writer the very most.
I must tell you, I look for your blog posts and am so happy when I see you have written.
Don't stop........and Happy one year.........here's to many more!!
Happy Bloggiversary! Hooray!! Congrats on the 1-year-milestone! Good for you for finding your best self when it comes to blogging. I can only hope I'm as true to myself daily as you are!
Happy bloggiversary!
Pam, I've enjoyed watching your blog develop and settle in this year. Great work! Happy 1st Blogiversary, and many more.
Happy Blogiversary!
We have shared many of the same struggles and arrived at many of the same conclusions - you just arrived at them more quickly than I did. :-)
Here's to the next year!
Happy Blogiversary!
I totally understand your thought process. I, too, had no idea what blogging really entailed, and then I sort of became overwhelmed by it all and it was no longer a vehicle for me to be creative. I have come to the same conclusions as you, make it what you need it to be. Great post!
Happy Blogiversary! Wow, that year went fast, eh? And, as you know, you were my motivation in starting my blog(s) and I have followed right along behind you (as I often do!) But we'll leave that for my anniversary in a couple months.
Today is your day. Your blog is always interesting, often information and funny and I hope you get as much out of writing it as your loyal readers get out of reading it!
Congrats! In a world of fading fads and forgotten commitments, sticking something out for a year (and more) is to be commended. I look forward to more of Pam's Perspective (even if I don't get to come over as often as I'd like!).
Yeah!!! One Year!!! Congradulations, I have so enjoyed your blog and our conversations outside the blog world. Happy Happy Blogiversary!!
Happy Blogoversary!
It's a great world, isn't it??
Happy Blogiversary, Pam!! I;m glad you started bloggin, and I'm glad you found the right blogging balance for you - I'm working on that, too! You've been a good influence on me -
Happy Blogiversary! Stopping in from SITS and glad I did- I can always use some suggestions for good books to read!
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy! Time flies by when you're having fun, doesn't it? Congrats on your milestone!
Pink Sugar Cookies and Snow Angels
Happy Blogoversary... It sounds like you have figured out what works for you and are having fun with it. That's should be the goal of everyone. The obsessiveness of some just drive me away.
Still a newbie -- just six months.
HI happy Sharefest Saturday!!!cool blog!!Happy Anniversary too!!I will learn from you I m still very new!!
Happy Blog Birthday! It's always fun to look back and see what you were up to- that's one of my favorite things about blogging :)
Pam, Happy Blogoversary! Your blogging evolution is an inspiration. Maybe I'll get it right by the time I'm a year old!
Happy Blog Birthday! :) Stopping by from SITS and hope you have a great day.
Happy Blogiversary! And Congrats on your SITS day to Shine in the Sun:)
It's so great to 'meet' you....your blog sounds VERY intriguing. I am very interested in your view on being an award free blog. I just recently stepped back into the blogging world and immediately began receiving awards, but I just didn't want to get into the whole you give me one and i have to keep up with giving them away...although I am grateful and honored to receive them, I just feel overwhelmed with trying to give them and keep up with my 'work' in real life and blogging. OK, I'm going on and on...just thought that was refreshing. :)
I'm off to check out your blog more. Happy Blogiversary and Happy SITS day!!!
Its funny how you do go through blogging phases. I had a blog a while back, mostly focused on one of my favorite hobbies...but now that I have a daughter, I don't have time for that hobby so instead of confusing my followers and drastically switching topics, I completely reinvented my blog! I'm excited to see where I'll be a year from now.
Congrats on the anniversary! So fun to see where your blog has gone in a year, isn't it? :)
Happy Blogaversary! And Happy SITS Day!!
I've been blogging about as long as you but I had a few false starts before getting serious about last April. I could empathise with your comments about following and commenting.
I've enjoyed my visit here and I hope to return soon.
Oh that is so true. I'm also considering going award free. It's not that I don't appreciate the sentiment or that someone has thought of me but it's just so time consuming!
Happy Blogaversary! Happy SITS Day!!
I am new to blogging and new to your blog, but love you writing! I have a new found friend :)
And THAT sounds like a proper perspective!
Happy SITS Feature Day!!
Happy bloggaversary! How exciting!!
Happy 1-Year Anniversary. I appreciate your "perspective" on blogging, well said and hitting the right nerve. When I was starting blogging (two months ago), I too was preoccupied with the notion of a "successful blog" and then someone wise said to me not to worry about what response I got. Comments are nice, but not necessary, it's not a popularity contest. I think about it a lot and keep on blogging. It's good to know that your year's perspective on blogging fits my concept of it. Thank you for that.
I'm visiting from SITS - congratulations on your features.
It's funny how we go through these cycles. I still struggle with being ok with not having a comment on all my posts, but I think I am less obsessive about my blogging than in the past. Thanks for you blog.
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