Here's my take on this week's episodes of my favorite shows:
1. The Biggest Loser - I really liked both the blue and yellow teams. They were both so gracious and supportive of each other and the other teams. I felt sad to see the blue team go...again. And what's with Miggy's Jekyll and Hyde imitation?
2. Modern Family - Moon Landing! Splash Down! Too funny!
3. The Office - A new episode! Imagine that. So, Michael Scott makes decisions with the same part of his body that he uses to make babies. Finally! A man who admits he thinks with his penis!
Stopping by from SITS and wishing you a wonderful weekend!!!
Ah, I'm not watching much of anything this winter except repeats of last season's "Tudors" and Big Love on sunday nights.
I love the Office! It's definitely one of my favorite shows.
Stopping by from SITS.
Modern Family is brilliant!
I haven't seen The Office yet. Have to watch it online since we already have 2 shows recording in that timeslot and I can't convince my roommates to dump the stupid Dish Network.
I hadn't really watched Modern Family until last night. I knew it was good and that I'd probably love it, but last night I saw it in place of Desperate Housewives and...well...crap! I don't have time to add another show!
Happy SITS day!!!
congrats!!!on your SiTS Day!!!!Way to go!!!
Stopping by from SITS. Don't you LOVE modern family - splash down totally cracked me up - then that guy was rubbing his butt on the other guys back... omg too funny!
Congrats on your SITS Day! I have to say, I really love your blog...so cute, inviting and clean! Love the tv highlights! Omg...wasn't Modern Family freakin' hilarious this week?!
You have yourself a new follower to your blog! Come and visit me sometime!
Hey it's your DAY!
LOVE the Office! And happy Blog Anniversary!
Stopping by from SITS!
Seriously, I agree though about Miggy. She's nice, then she's mean... I do like nice Miggy, though. I was really rooting for the blue team, but I'm sure they will look great at the finale.
I've tried SO hard to get in to The Office. I just don't get it. My friend said I need to watch it from the 1st season on...she's loaning me all her DVDs. lol
Stopping by from SITS and I totally agree on everything you said about #1 and #2 - I don't watch the Office - I know *gasp!* ;-)
Off to take a better look around.
Happy SITS Day! Nice blog.
Congrats on your SITS Day. I have been following you for a while now and am glad that you are the featured blogger.
The Office got a little weird for me but the last episode showed that spark that has kept it enjoyable for me
Happy SITS day! I don't have a TV so you've lost me here...
Stopping by from SITS. Why have I not been around in awhile??? Guess things got lost in the shuffle.
Anyway, I LOVE Modern Family. What a great show.
Happy SITS Feature Day!
Ahhh The Office...I have to say, I'm kind of getting over my fandom for the show. Shocking, I know...but Pam is annoying, Jim isn't funny anymore, and the whole Andy-Erin romance does nothing for me. If it wasn't for Dwight, I might not tune in at all. :-(
Happy SITS day! The Modern Family is hilarious!
Ok so are we talking original UK version of The Office or the US version?
Popped over from SITS... Enjoy your day!
Congrats on your SITS day and also on 1 year of blogging! Best wishes, C :)
Came over from SITS. Congrats on your one year blog anniversary!
I just started watching Modern Family because a lot of my online friends have been raving about it. It's so good. I cant wait to catch up to the episodes I've missed. I also feel kind of bad because I know I watched last week's episode of The Office, but for the life of me can't even remember the episode. This has got to be a sign.
Happy SITS day hun. :)
Congrats on your SITS day! Ooh a year already, lovely! Enjoy your big day today and all the comment love ♥
Stopping by from SITS... Happy Sits Day! Can you believe I don't watch any of these?
I love this show too! I felt bad for the blue team too because they did so well, but the yellow team did even better so they deserved the second chance.
I watched that CEO Undercover show last night--taped it after the Super Bowl. It was funny! Only thing is the ending got cut off since the Super Bowl ran over a little.
Congrats on your SITS day!
Happy SITS Day! Looking forward to reading!
happy SITS day. I just love Modern family. Have spent some time your site today and just love it, very unique blog. will be back for more. coryanne
Happy SITS Day! I love the TV shows you chose, I miss crappy American TV here in Munich. (Their brand of crappy TV just does NOT compare!)
I positively adore Modern Family. It's quite possibly my new favorite show this season, and this week's episode was no surprise, just hilarious!! Happy SITS Day to you!
The office is hilarious, I just recently got into it! wish I had done sooner!
Coming over from SITS! Love the office!
Alicia from Coffee Mugs and Sippy Cups
Happy SITS day!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Office & Modern Family. I am your newest follower!
congrats on SITS day! I love watching the biggest loser and modern family as well! :-)
I keep hearing about how funny Modern Family is but I have yet to watch an entire episode. I like The Biggest Loser to.
I LOVE the Biggest Loser! Its my favorite reality show...one that helps..but still shows the reality part we like (totally agree with you about Miggy).
Yes...someone else who "gets" Modern family! Love reading your perspectives! :)
Happy SITS day. My fav part from Modern Family was the Supremes joke Cam told about wishing Mitchell would be a member of the Supreme Court. And anything Phil says or does.
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