If it's your first time visiting, welcome to Pam's Perspective. My name is Pam (elf of the obvious, here) and I am a 45 year old wife and mother of two teenage daughters. For the most part I am a SAHM, but I do work part-time at a two small public libraries as an Assistant Librarian, which I love. In addition to all the "regular" library duties, I run a book club for adults, write book reviews for our website/patrons and order all the media for the library. Outside of work, I'm in a personal book club, I play Mah Jong, I attend as many plays as time and my budget allow and I also serve on the nominating committee for Reading Across Rhode Island. All of that keeps me pretty busy.
When I first decided to start a blog, I wasn't really sure where I would be going with it. I figured I would translate my love of reading and books into some book reviews and recommendations. And I have done that, but I've also started blogging about my life in general. For the most part, Pam's Perspective is just that - my perspective of what's happening in my life; what I'm reading, watching, doing and hearing about. Hopefully, you'll find something here that you can relate to.
I've linked a couple of posts if you're interested in reading a little bit more of my "perspective".
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll visit again.
1 – 200 of 212 Newer› Newest»Happy SITS day! The library is my family's favorite place to go.
Happy SITS day! I always need book recommendations so I think you will be a good resource for that.
BTW - We have had more than our fair share of GPS scenic trips! I totally understand!
Well, look who's here! Congratulations on finally completing your long adventure to being FB. Enjoy the attention!
Hello Pam. It must be very exciting making that transition back into the big wide world of work, and it looks like you have a wonderful job! I'm off to read your posts. Happy SITS Day from Italy.
Congratulations on your special SITS Day!! It does take a long time for your turn to roll around, but oh so worth it when it does! Enjoy!
Congrats on your special day Pam! You deserve it! Luv ya!
Enjoy your SITS day. LOVE the Blog. Following promptly.
WOOOHOOOO!! Look at you go! I love the blog bling! Very nice colors!!!
I love book lovers. Your graphic is adorable. What a bright, colorful site. Hope you have a great SITS day.
Congratulations!! I love to read as well so I will have to come back to check out your book reviews. Have a great day!
Happy SITS day! Your blog looks great. I am now your newest follower ;)
Happy SITS! Congrats! What a great blog.
Congrats on your big day. This is my first visit, but I will definitely be following.
Enjoy your day, Pam!! Off to read more!
You're blog is stylin'!!! I love the look! Happy SITS day!!!
Happy SITS day!
From one Pam to another....happy SITS day! :D
Happy SITS day to you! Cute blog! I'm off to read some of your posts!
(I also have 2 girls - they are still little, but they will be teenagers before I know it!)
Happy SITS day, Pam. I can't tell you how much I loooooooove libraries! Every time I'm in one, which is about once a week, I thank my lucky stars and Ben Franklin for such a wonderful invention. And God bless the librarians for keeping them all running so smoothly. I mean, all those book AND they're FREE! What could be better?!
Happy SITS day!
Congrats on reentering the workforce-- my own mother did the same more than a decade ago, when I was graduating from high school. It took a lot of sacrifice for her to do so, but it's benefitted her, my father, and our family greatly!
Confessions From A Working Mom
Happy SITS day to you! Your job sounds wonderful. What an ideal job to go to after being a SAHM.
Stopping by from SITS. I love books, and I've always thought working in a library would be really cool job.
Happy SITS Day!!! So exciting!
Hey there, Pam...Hope you enjoy your SITS Day in the Sun!
Congrats on your special day! Hope you enjoy your SITS spotlight! Your blog is a bright spot - glad I found you!
Enjoy your day in the spotlight!
This is why I love SITS - to discover fun bloggers like you! Congrats on featured blogger and btw, how long DID you wait to receive the honor????? :)
I am in love with your blog! I can't believe I've never run into you before! Enjoy your SITS day!
I love the layout of your blog! Your posts are so interesting and I must agree with you that I detest GPS directions. That voice just starts sounding snooty after a while. Congrats on being the FB!
Congratulations on your special SITS Day! You blog is very cute~ love how neat it is! I'll be sure to follow it!
Stopping by from SITS! Congratulations on being Featured Blogger.
Your booklist is impressive. I'm currently "Working" on the TIME 100, but I think I'll add some of your books to my pile.
Have a nice day...
You have a darling blog and you have my dream job as well! I love the smell of books in a library! Congratulations on being saucy today and enjoy the love!
Congrats on being the featured SITS lady of the day. I am looking forward to reading your posts and getting to know you.
Happy SITS Day! I was reading through your blog and had to tell you that my hubby and I are FAITHFUL Biggest Loser watchers. I'm also looking forward to Miggy and Melissa leaving. What is with them? Stephanie is one of my favorites as well. She has such a positive and helpful attitude! Can't wait for tonight's episode!
happy SITS day!!!!!!
Happy SITS day to you! Your blog is adorable and I love the design!
Very Happy SITS day. So glad to have found your fabulous blog...
happy sits day to you! i am off to read your posts and sign on to follow!!! enjoy your day and pop over to visit me when you have time and enter my giveaway! just click on it on my sidebar.
Happy SITS Day! You have a very cute blog. :) Love your banner!! I love to read too. My kids are still young, so I don't get to do much "deep" reading, but I do when I can. :)
Happy Sits day - your blog looks fantastic!
Happy SITS day! Your blog is really cute.
Have a blessed day!
HAPPY SITS DAY!!! hope it was worth all that waiting! :)
Happy SITS Day! Have a fabulous, wonderful day!
Hi, Pam, Happy SITS day. I love libraries and all books. I'm an avid reader.
Fun! Do you review for Thomas Nelson? You can here: http://booksneeze.com/ You get books free in exchange for review!
And there's another free book available here: http://www.thankfullythrifty.com/2010/01/want-a-free-book/
Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS Day!
Hi Pam,
Your blog is cute and useful. I love to read but find I don't have a lot of time for that lately. I think it would be fun to work in a library though. Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS Day! ENJOY! ;)
Happy SITS day! And I really like your blog!
Hey! I know you! Glad to see that you're being featured - enjoy your day!
Congrats on your SITS day! Glad you're getting your day to shine! Looking forward to reading your posts!
Happy SITS day from another Book blogging ex-librarian.
Happy SITS Day!! I got h ere last night, before this blog post was even up! Now I'll go read your favorites!
Happy SITS day!! I LOVE books. I'm excited to dive in to your blog today!!
Happy Sits day!!! Love your blog!
Can't wait to check out more of your blog. Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS day! I can't wait to read some of your reviews.
Oh I am totally loving your blog. Stopping by from SITS to wish you a happy SITS day!
Congratulations, Pam, on being today's featured blogger. I find your blog refreshing!
I, too, am a book lover (and 40 something gal) and, in fact, just began reading Laura Berman Fortgang's 'Now What? 90 Days To A New Life Direction' and have started a 'Julie & Julia' type of project by applying the books lessons and blogging my answers on my newly founded -- and temporary blog -- '90 Days'.
Congratulations on your new job and all your affiliates -- books are a wonderful way to lose ourselves and get inspired.
Consider me a new follower. Happy you were featured or I may never have found you.
Sorry to be so verbose -- it's kind of what I do. ;)
You can find me most days on my permanent blog 'The End Of The Rainbow: Life After Bankruptcy' -- would love to have you stop by anytime.
Enjoy your special day!
Peace and serenity,
CONGRATS on your SITS day!!! I hope you enjoy it!
Happy SITS day!! You have a very cute blog!
Happy SITS Day! I love your book reviews section, I can never have too many books waiting to be read! Have a great day!
Happy SITS day!!
Happy SITS day! Enjoy every minute of iit!
Happy SITS day! I love your book reviews section! I'm thinking of incorporating some into my blog too :)
Happy sits day! I jsut joined a book club, so I'll be anxious to look around on your site and get a new idea for my first pick! anne
Wow! Congrats on being the SITS girl today!! yeah! Now even more people will know what a wonderful blog you have! :)
Happy SITS day! I love a fellow book lover! I have a blog that is all about reviewing books I read as well...
I'm in love with your layout... I may have to check out who designed it!!!
I'm a booklover too so I'm looking forward to checking out your blog!
Congratulations on your SITS day from a fellow booklover and former library employee.
Happy SITS day! Enjoy!
Good morning and congrats on being the FB! You have such a fun blog! Enjoy your day in the spotlight! :)
You look like a fun person to get to know! Nice to meet you Pam!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE it - I love to read books - and book reviews! And I too am a working mom, who used to stay at home - although my kids are much younger.
Happy SITS DAY from a new follower!
Hello Pam! Books and blogs and kids and life and a new job. You go, SITStah! Share yourself with the world in new ways. You can handle it.
Happy SITS day! So jealous you live in RI - I went to Providence College for my M.A. and I miss New England SO much! Congrats on your day! :)
Well a big Congrats to you on your special day! I love our local library...it's really small but the librarians are fab and go out of their way for us to get in any books we request. Love them!
Off to read your featured posts, I'll try to keep it down:)
Congrats on you day, SITSTA! Congrats on transitioning into working as well. Cute layout, love the pink and brown. :)
-Heather @ www.savingmoneylivinglife.com
Happy SITS Day!
Oh my gosh. I am so excited for you : ) The SITS girl of the day! How great is that? I hope you have a wonderfully fun time and you get a million ba jillion comments!
Happy SITS Day! Your work sounds really interesting. I've always been a huge fan of libraries myself and have been using my local one a lot more lately. I so love my library and the network. I can find just about anything here!
What a great day! Congrats! I'll have to check back often!
Stopping by from SITS. I am coming back so I can read some of your book reviews. I love to read and am always looking for a good book.
Enjoy your SITS day
Congrats on your SITS day...I'm looking forward to reading more. :)
Happy SITS day! I love your blog look. I'll be dropping by for book reviews, because my "To Read" list can just never be long enough!
Happy SITS day!! how exciting!! i always tell myself i need to read more books... instead, i blog! ;)
You love books AND theatre!? I'm so glad you're the featured blogger, you sound amazing!
Congrats on your SITS day!
Happy SITS!! It sounds like you have a fantastic life (I love theatre too!) and I can't wait to read more!
Happy SITS day! I enjoyed reading some of your posts! You follow two of my favorite shows...Biggest Loser and Modern Family. :) Enjoy your day!
Happy SITS Day! Great blog!
Congrats on being featured! Your blog is so pretty, I'm going to go browse around!
Wow! We have a lot in common. I've been a Stay at home Mom for over 18 years & am now working full time managing a clothing store. I aslo love books & have just started a Book Club! And love the Theater as well! I'm excited to find your Blog.
Congrats on being the featured Bloger today!
Congrats on your SITS day. I love your blog design. So cute! Also, I love Mahjong.
I'm a writer, I love to read, so I'm super glad you're today's featured blogger!
Love your design, too. Will be back to read those reviews!
Happy SITS day! Love the theme and colors of your blog! Hope you have a fabulous day!
Happy SITS day! Libraries are my best friend. I used to spend my summers checking books out of the library and reading them in my room instead of playing outside (I was that kind of kid). Now, my hubby and I use the library to check out DVDs of classic movies. I got a library card pretty much the first month I moved to my new city. :) Off to read more!
happiest of days...you are the star...Congrats...n ow ...twinkle twinkle my friend!
Congrats on your day! Will be sure to read your blog more regularly!
Happy SITS Day!!!!!
I am now a follower
Congrats on your big day! I love to read and happy to find your blog thru SITS!
Love your blog design and it is fun to read about your cute family! It is fun to get some new reading ideas. Thanks!
Hi Pam, congrats on your SITS day! I always love when I see bloggers that I know being featured!!
How is it that I never knew you work at a library? I could easily see myself working at our library part-time once all my kids are in school. I could live there and be perfectly happy for the rest of my life!!!
happy sits day!
Happy SITS day Pam! Good luck with your new job.
Happy SITS Day Pam! Excited to learn more about you, AND to discover some new literary tomes! Yay! :)
Cha cha!
Happy SITS Day! I hope it's worth the wait!
Hi Pam! *waves*
Happy SITS day!!
Congrats on your SITS Day! I'm new to your blog, but I can see that I'm going to enjoy it. I also enjoyed your comments about your blogiversary, as mine is coming up this month too. Hope you can come by and visit my blog someday. --Janie B
Happy SITS day. I looked at some of your reviews and agreed on all of them. (the ones I read). Just finished Golden Grove last week. I will def. be back beacuse it looks like we like the same books and I am always looking for suggestions. Loved Shangai girls and Snowflower and the Secret Fan is my all time fav.
Happy SITS day ~ cute blog!
Happy SITS Day! Gonna check out the rest of your blog
Happy SITS day! I love how cute your blog design is! I can't wait to read more about you!! Congrats!
Happy SITS day! Off to visit your posts.
Came over from SITS to say congrats!
Hope you are having a great day.
Happy SITS Day!
I love your blog design! (says the web designer who notices graphics and placement first...sigh) Coming here from SITS to offer you congrats and some comment love!
PAM!!! Imagine my joy at seeing you as the fb of the day!! I'm so happy you are in the spotlight!
Enjoy your day............you know I love you!!!
Congrats on your day!
Hi Pam, congrats on your SITS day!
Happy SITS day! I love the blog! The design is so clean and user-friendly. Happy bloggoversary as well!
Happy SITS Day! Thanks for reminding me I need to go read - a book!
Happy SITS day Pam!
I can't wait until my daughter is old enough to go to the library - I just have to wait until her first instinct is not to rip the pages out! I guess librarians sort of frown on that?
Congratulations on your SITS day!!
Happy SITS Day! I'm sure it's fun to be the featured blogger. Enjoy yourself!
I'm a 46-year-old mother of teenagers--a little older than you, I think, for I have a kid in college. It seems you and I are in the minority in the world of blogging. . . but I love hearing about all the young moms' adventures in the exciting world of parenting. :)
Have a great day!
Looking forward to reading some of your reviews!!
I love it when I "know" the featured blogger!
Happy SITS day! Love your blog!
Happy SITS Day, at long last, hon! xx
Happy SITS day!! I love your blog. =)
Happy SITS day from another Book Blogger.
Cheers on your SITS day. Off to read some more.
Happy SITS day, mama!
Your blog is capital A adorable! I'm a huge reader, too, so getting a chance to see what another gal is reading and what she thinks is always fun. :o)
Congratulations on being featured and have a fabulous week!
Happy SITS day!!!
Such a cute blog!
Nice to find you via SITS. Congrats on being featured.
Happy SITS Day! Nice to meet you.
Coming to you for SITS! Congrats on being the featured blogger! Your booklist is impressive!
happy FB day!!! woooo hoooo!
Wow Pam, a SITS feature. Ku-dos. I'm so happy that you're being exposed to more bloggers. Since you're already one of my regular reads I'm giving you a warm ((hug)) and a hearty CONGRATULATIONS!
Happy SITS Day! I love books too....there's just something exciting about turning the page in a new story....enjoy your day!
Have a great FB day! :)
Happy SITS Day!
Happy SITS day !!
Now I will enjoy your blog, I'm always looking fo new books to read !!
Your blog design is awesome! I'm gonna get my read on! Congrats!
Happy SITS Day! I'm off to check out your blog!!
Congrats on your "honored" place... I am new here today and thrilled to see it is someone who loves reading.. I am married to a frustrated author (who works full-time as a Job Coach for the Mentally Challenged. He was trying to figure a way to write and get practice and I suggested Blogging.. Now we both are bloggers and loving it. Have you ever read any of Dee Henderson's work???? It is great?
Congrats on your SITS day - I am looking forward to reading your posts!
Yay! featured blogger!
GPS are both a plague and a blessing. I don't have one myself, but I sometimes think they'd be very very very useful!
I'm so glad I found your blog, and I can't wait to read some of your book reviews!
Happy SITS Day!
Hurrah! I love a good blog with book reviews. Just finished The Lost Symbol. On to The Swan Thieves. Looking forward to poking around. Happy SITS Day!
Happy SITS DAY! I love your blog design, it's adorable!!!!
Congrats on your SITS day Pam! Love your blog and am off to peek around! :)
Hello! Happy SITS day! Love the look/design of your blog and I especially LOVE the book reviews. I am an avid reader and hoping to pass my love of books on to my baby girl too. Hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy SITS day! I look forward to reading more about your "perspective". :)
Happy SITS day! I am enjoying your blog today, and I'm sure I will continue to do so in the future : )
Happy SITS day. I am never without reading material, so look forward to reading some of your posts....
Happy SITS day to you!
Happy SITS Day!! I love to read, but being in grad school full time and working full time doesn't give me nearly as much "fun reading" time as I would like!
Happy SITS day! You have a beautifully designed blog. It's been fun to dig into it!
Congrats on your SITS day. I love you layout and now it is official...I am SAD I choose Blogger over wordpress =(
Hi Pam! Congratulations on your SITS Day! I'm visiting from SITS, and it was really the book reviews and discussions that drew me. I've always been an avid reader. Looking forward to following your blog!
Happy SITS day! I like the layout of your blog! Plus I love books! I'll be stopping by again! :)
Have a great day! I think a blog about book reviews is a great idea. If you are having a stressful day you can come and visit my blog which is a collection of funny material. Its easy on the brain....LOL
Congrats on your SITS day. Gotta love a fellow reader. :)
Happy SITS day. Off to look around
Happy SITS day to you! How do you find time to read and blog? I have a hard time staying caught up just blogging. :)
Sounds like your book-love keeps you very busy!
Congrats on your SITS day!! It's well worth the wait, wouldn't you say? =)
Congrats on your SITS day! Always great to meet a fellow "bookie". I'm now a follower!
Congrats on yous SITS day. I have to say this year I have loads of books to read so I will come back to check which will be good to read. I am going to be your follower.
I am your follower
Happy SITS Day! I love book blogs. I just became a follower.
Super cute blog!! :)
Congrats Pam! I love reading too! Your new job seems perfect for you!
Happy SITS Day! I love books, libraries and book clubs and go to one every so often.
Happy SITS Day! Yay for you. I read all of your featured posts! Wonderful. Congrats on having one driving now. I think I'm like you as a mom, but I only have one and she is 9. Not sure how I'll be in another 7 years. I'll be back for more.
what a fabulous blog and LOVE the artwork!!!
Am new follower!
Happy SITS day I'm so jealous I've been waiting forever :)
Congrats on your day along with all new followers.
Been there, white knuckled that! I have 2 teenager drivers and the insurance premium to prove it. Love your blog. I am new to blogging and SITS. Loving it :)
Happy SITS Day!!!!
Yay, Happy SITS day :) I don't really keep up with SITS anymore but still read your blog! ;)
Congratulations on being the featured blogger! Dropping by from SITS to say, "hello". Best wishes.
Kindest regards,
Happy SITS day. YOu write so well, and being a mom I could really relate!
Happy SITS day, enjoy your time in the sun!
Happy SITS day! I'm so excited to know that you're in RI...I am too...when you get a chance, could you send me some info on the book club, and reading across Rhode Island?
WOOHOO! Congrats on your very own SITS day! I hope to have one someday myself!
Love to find fellow book enthusiasts so i decided to follow you :)!!! Happy Sits day!!
Happy SITS Day to you! I love that you are a librarian...my library is seriously one of my favorite places in the world. I get happy when I walk inside. Can't wait to check out your blog!
I'm just getting here from SITS, hope you had a good day.
Happy SITS day! Sorry I got here late! Hope you had a wonderful day!!!
Hi: Hope you are having a great SITS day. Your blog is great. Thanks for sharing. -Lia-
I am an avid reader..that is when I am not blogging!=) I am in a book club and it really is the highlight of each month for me! Congrats on your day and I will be back to read more reviews---I am always looking for my next great read.
congrats on your sits day...i am a bit late to the game...but i finally have time to sit and enjoy your blog...
i'm off to discover!
Congrats on your SITS day! I am a mom of an almost 16yr old. It's been heck teaching her to drive. LOL.
I love books and perspectives. What a great idea to start a blog like yours.
Hope your day was great!!
Great blog!! Happy SITS day to you!!!
Happy SITS day!
Congratulations on your blog! Sounds like you're writing about what you love. Awesome!
Congrats on being featured!! Happy SITS day to you! Mmm, one of my favorite places to go..the library! I adore reading a good novel!! :)
Happy SITS day! I love your love of reading, I'm a fan too.
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