I think the Universe is still trying to tell me something. While I haven't had any more near misses with falling trees, my first two weeks at my new job were fraught with more obstacles than really seemed necessary.
My first week was going to be a marathon, no matter what. It just happened to be the week that I had to work a Saturday at my original job. So, I would not be easing into my new life with two jobs. I would start out basically running a marathon and working 6 straight days. OK, I can handle that. It just so happened that Geoff was also going away with some friends for the weekend (something he does very rarely). No problem.
And then the Universe chuckled.
On Thursday night (while Geoff was at a meeting), Katie and Madeleine got into a huge fight, which led to a gigantic mess, which basically ruined what had started out to be a nice, quiet, relaxing evening. *sigh*. After work on Friday (and after Geoff had escaped left), I drove Madeleine to the other side of the state (OK it's only 30 minutes away, but still), so that she could spend the night with our friends there. Realizing if I went straight home I would have to deal with the left over "wrath of Katie", I decided to go see a movie. Very peaceful. But all I accomplished was putting off dealing with the inevitable. The wrath of Katie eventually morphed into the breakdown of Katie and let's just say it was a long night (meanwhile Geoff was enjoying pizza, beer and camaraderie with the guys). *grrr*. Saturday morning at 7:38 I get a call from Margaret, whose house Madeleine is at, and she tells me that Madeleine has the stomach bug and has been throwing up since 6:30 am. Of course she is. I offer to come and get her right away, but Madeleine doesn't think she can ride in a car. Margaret and I decide to wait it out and see what happens. About 1/2 hour later, I get a call and Margaret is on her way with Madeleine. That's one way to get out of working on a Saturday. On Sunday, I breathed a sigh of relief that the week was over and I could get a fresh start the following week.
And the Universe laughed.
The week actually started out just fine (just like the previous week). Again it was going to be a busy week for me, not only working every day, but out every night except Monday. Mostly fun things, so no complaints there, I just knew it was going to be another marathon week. Wednesday I actually got good news, a huge snow storm was expected (that never did materialize) and I didn't have to work Wednesday night. WooHoo! On Thursday night when I came home from book club, I was assaulted with the news that Katie was upstairs with the stomach bug. You have got to kidding me! Nope. This continues through midnight and I have to be at work at 9:00 am Friday morning. And let's just say, that she had a couple of near misses and now the bathroom is not safe for human use. So guess how I'm going to be spending today. My first day off. And I have a thousand errands to run, because I work every day now. Come on, Universe. Cut me some slack. Couldn't I have eased into this new routine? Give me a minute to catch my breath and find my groove.
And wipe that smirk off of your face...
Oh Pam, what an awful start to the new routine.
Arguing teens iced with stomach bugs...ewwww. I have arguing teens near daily, so I get that. I hope you have sanitized the bathroom now. What's really awful when you work so much and are gone, you really want time for yourself, but you are pulled by guilt and knowing you also need and want family time. I had much more grief over that when I worked ft.
Hang in there, can it get worse? Shhh I shouldn't have said that.
yep - teenage girls are a full-time job on their own!!!
I'm sorry you've been having a rough week Pam! Here's hoping it all gets easier from here!
I'm sure working full-time is going to be an adjusment. You're the most organized person I know. You can do it. Let's just hope YOU don't get sick.
Stopping by from SITS -- glad I found your blog!
I also used to be a SAHM, but I had to go back to work. Some days it stinks, some days I'm so glad to be in the office, but every day is interesting, at least!
Wow! stomach bugs are nasty...Don't let all the stress get you down, things will get better.
Now I understand why I couldn't get your page to load this morning. With 212 - and counting - comments to the last post, everyone in the bloggy universe was stopping by, too, haha! Congrats on the SITS feature, Pam. I think I was a featured blogger a million years ago when it first started??? Maybe not. Maybe I'm thinking of another site. But it's amazing the traffic those kinds of 'mentions' will generate, isn't it?
Pam, sounds like a crazy couple a weeks. I hope this week is better and I hope the sickies get away from your house.
Aw, sorry for your two rough weeks, Pam. I hope you're enjoying a quiet, relaxing Sunday to make up for it!
I thought I was the only one who could drive 30 minutes and cross my state! (actually, it only takes about 20 minutes here in this part of Delaware).
Here's hoping next week is a big improvement for you!
Pam...even though I knew all of this it is so humorous reading the saga. I hope Katie is feeling better and that you don't get sick!!!
Oh no, that sounds awful! This could be a sitcom. Hopefully everyone is better and you stay healthy!
P.S. It always seems that when my girls are having a tough time (and that's putting it nicely), it's usually due to a virus they come down with a few days later. Maybe you can blame your girls' fight on that, right?
Funny how troubles seem to come at us in buckets. I completely understand and have struggled my own private chaos as I integrate back to work (last week and this). The only words I can offer, it makes you appreciate the simple times so much more! Hope things have improved for you.
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