This week’s Musing Mondays from Should Be Reading asks…
Are there any “raved reads” –books that everyone seems to be talking about– that you’re hoping to get read this year, yourself? What books are they, and why are you hoping to read them? Is it because you want to say you’ve read it? Or, would you have chosen to read it, even if you’d discovered it yourself, and no one was raving about it?“
This is such an interesting and timely question for me. Many times books come to my attention that I decide not to read simply because the topic/plot does not appeal to me. Then I start to see them referenced again and again - on blogs, in newspaper and magazines and across the desk at the library where they seem to always be on hold for someone. Frequently, at this point, I change my mind about wanting to read them. And most often my initial reaction was correct. I really don't like the book all the much. If the topic is not initially appealing, usually the book is not either, regardless of how many other people love it, the great reviews it gets or the number of blogs I see it pop up on. Just this past weekend, I had made a decision to stick to my initial reaction to a book when deciding what to read. And with that in mind, I'm off to clean up my tbr list on Goodreads. I'm looking forward to staring out 2012 with a fresh (reading) slate.
How about you? Are there "hot" books you are dying to read? Are you influenced by the buzz created around some books? Inquiring minds want to know...
I do tend to read books that I hear people talking about. Sometimes I like them, sometimes I don't, but then at least I can talk to other people about them. And I also usually have no idea what to read, so I need all the ideas I can get.
I have a more and more difficult time finding fiction that appeals to me. If I find a fiction book I like, I try to read stuff by the same author. I am really into memoirs and biographies - I figure if I'm interested in the subject or person, it will be a more enjoyable read. I assume that if everyone is talking about a book, it's for a good reason and it's probably a decent book...but if I don't want to spend a couple weeks with the characters I'll just wait for the movie. ;)
Hey Pam! It's good to see you back! I've missed reading your blog. Happy New Year!
I think I need to clean out my Goodreads list too. It's enormous because every book that is talked about or gets a good review is added for fear of missing "the next great book." I have such diverse interests and love reading so much, it's really difficult to turn away from a book people rave about.
I am too influenced by what others say. I also hear early chatter at work, so it's conflicting.
I am very excited about 2 books that I have yet to read. 1. American Dervish, it released yesterday and my copy came in the mail today, and The Good American, releases in February, but I have a digital ARC on my Nook. Oddly both by men, which is not the norm for me, but both really captured my interest from early blurbs. I'll keep you posted. I like getting out of my comfort zone. Good to see you!!
I don't want to read any "hot" books anymore, LOL, but I'm sure I will anyway. I always like the ones I pick out for myself hte best!
I can be influenced - a while back I gathered a long list of books to read - some of them are buzz books and others are not - I am working my way through that list until I am done - I am not a fast reader so who knows when I will be done. I am not crazy about it though - first if I get into a book and dislike it I stop reading it - life is too short - also if a book comes across my path that I want to read that isn't on my list I will stop and read it.... I am liking it a lot because I have found some really great books I never would have read!!!!
I think that's such a great point to make. A lot of times, just because I don't enjoy a book doesn't make it bad. It just means it wasn't for me. And I usually know that from my gut reaction.
I tend to read anything put in front of me, in fact I just finished one I can't wait to review that I am not sure I would have bought on my own and let me tell you, I am super glad I read it!
It's odd, but sometimes I shy away from the popular, so the more I hear something is great, the more I don't get around to it. Two books I have recently read, that I put off despite everyone telling me I would like them, are The Elegance of the Hedgehog (Muriel Barbery) and Cutting For Stone (Abraham Verhese). I loved Hedgehog and am really engrossed in Cutting for Stone. I wish I had not put them off.
I always seem to be way behind the trends!! I rarely buy books for myself (and certainly not hardcovers), so I am usually reading the books I heard about a year or two ago.
Let's see....some of the past "hot" books currently on my TBR shelf include Freedom by Jonathan Franzen (I haven't read any Franzen yet), Divergent by Veronica Roth (a hot teen dystopian novel I finally started this week), and I would love to read The Night Circus which I gave to my mom for Christmas!
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