There are some big changes on the horizon for me in 2012. I've decided to go back to school to get my Nursing Degree! As shocking as this might seem for a 47 year old wannabe librarian, it really gets back to the core of who I am. And is actually the first step in getting me back on track to my true calling.
From the time I was 5 years old I wanted to be a doctor. I took every science class offered by my HS. I was even a candy striper at the local hospital. And I began my college career as a pre-med student way back in the mid-80s. Then reality hit when I realized I wasn't getting good enough grades to get into medical school. This was a huge crisis for me. I was a wreck for the entire first semester of my sophomore year. When I calmed down enough to think, I decided that I would simply modify my goals slightly and become a nurse. Unfortunately, I was talked out of this by a staunch feminist who told me I would be miserable "taking orders from doctors and emptying bedpans". I was so confused and in such a "state", I thought what she said made perfect sense. I don't believe in regrets, but I sure do wish I had gotten advice from a few more people before abandoning my dream of working in the medical field.
In any case, in all the intervening years, I've never gotten over my love of all things medical and have looked into studying to be a Physician's Assistant or Nurse on a number of occasions. But the time was never right. Until now.
I'm ready to move on from the library where I've worked for nearly 10 years and I have more time now to take classes and study. And I think it's time to follow my instincts. I sure do wish I had listened to my inner voice back in 1984, and I wonder if maybe I'm a little late to the table. Will anyone want to hire a brand new 51 year old nurse? But whenever I start to question my decision, I just imagine looking back at this moment in 10, 15 or 20 years and wishing I had just gone for it. So, that is what I'm going to do. I start January 23rd. Am I crazy? Quite possibly. But I've decided to give it a try. Wish me luck.
I think that's Awesome! You will do great! I'm excited for you.
Pam, this is really great to hear! I could relate to your re-telling of your early career exploration . . . and I think it is terrific that you are going to pursue this. We need good nurses and you, I am CERTAIN, will have so much to give. Wonderful and I wish you well!
Pam, I think this is both wonderful and amazing!! I am so very happy for you, and who wouldn't want to hire you!!! I hope you will be able to squeeze in some blogging and reading and I will always be here to cheer you on!!!
This is so exciting!
One of my best friends in medical school turned 50 years old a week before we graduated. It is never to late to follow your dreams. Best of luck with everything!
Oh I don' think you are crazy at all, and I think lots of people would die for a brand new 40something nurse...a lot of your "baggage" is already done....they would have a nurse that doesn't have to take maternity leave, miss a day for sick 3 year olds, etc. I find that mighty appealing myself. Not to mention that this being your passion means you will sink your whole self into it and probably be one of the best nurses out there!
I think it is AWESOME that you are following through on such a big dream and I wish you nothing but the best.
How exciting! Congratulations, Pam, for having the courage to follow your dreams!
I didn't realize we were the same age. I think that only a very few (lucky) people actually end up doing what they studied in college or what they thought they'd do. I started out in chemical engineering and am now a freelance writer (and not technical writing!)
I think this is fabulous news - and not at all crazy! Good luck to you with your fresh start.
Congratulations Pam, and good luck on Act 2!
As another who loves things "all medical" I would love to work in the field. If I had the guts, my 'second act' would be pharmacy.
How exciting go for it, we only get one chance at this great adventure called life.
Sorry I have not been around much recently.
Long time no talk Pam! I am SO proud of you!!! This 46-wanna-be-writer is no longer a "wanna be!" I left my 30 year sales gig and now writer/freelance full time. One never knows where the path unfolds :)
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