WOW!!! I was so impressed and couldn't help but smile when I saw this. Of course, this appealed to my sense of organization. And, being a compulsive list maker myself, I could appreciate the beauty of this terrific TO DO LIST. As I walked into her room I thought to myself, " A girl after my own heart". But then I began to wonder... Have I created a monster?
Friday, May 1, 2009
A Girl After My Own Heart
Imagine my surprise and delight when I saw this list posted on 14 year old Madeleine's bedroom door the other day:

WOW!!! I was so impressed and couldn't help but smile when I saw this. Of course, this appealed to my sense of organization. And, being a compulsive list maker myself, I could appreciate the beauty of this terrific TO DO LIST. As I walked into her room I thought to myself, " A girl after my own heart". But then I began to wonder... Have I created a monster?
WOW!!! I was so impressed and couldn't help but smile when I saw this. Of course, this appealed to my sense of organization. And, being a compulsive list maker myself, I could appreciate the beauty of this terrific TO DO LIST. As I walked into her room I thought to myself, " A girl after my own heart". But then I began to wonder... Have I created a monster?
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oh yeah, you are BOTH chips off an older block! There are never less that two TO DO lists floating around the kichen courtesy of Grandpa Duck, another monster organizer.
Oh good! I can blame it on Dad! That, talking to myself and my lack of a sense of humor. Lucky me!
I am a list maker as well and understand the need to do it. I think it's great that she is starting so young.
Thanks for stopping by my site on my SITS day.
I would have been beaming!! I list make all day's a disease yes!!! I'm not sure I realized you had a younger teen daughter too!!
We have years of raising our daughters together still!!
Nah, you haven't created a monster, maybe just a Type-A personality. And obviously, Type-A is the best!!! :)
That looks like part of my list :)
I started making lists about Madeleine's age, so I can totally understand your delight!
FYI, I used to make lists because it gave me a sense of accomplishment, but now I am just sligh of 50, I make lists so I can remember what I am supposed to do next. NO joking!
I've always been a lister, so I'm always glad to see a budding one! That IS a good list!
I am a list maker as well : ) I think that is just great that she is an organizer!!! I appreciated the part about donating unused items, she has a good heart. You must be thrilled. Have a great weekend~
Wow! The blogosphere is full of compulsive list makers who knew. I think there's a psychological study in here somewhere. Either that or I (my blog) attract all the loonies. LOL!
Anita - Yes, I have two daughters. Madeleine was feeling a little bad that I hadn't blogged about yet. I guess when you are 16 there are more "big" things happening - license, prom, etc. But, Madeleine is a great kid and I'm sure you will all be hearing lots more about her in the future.
C - I hear you about Type A being the best! Sometimes I worry that I'm becoming a Type A+ (ie the monster).
Emily - You must have a very ambitious list, because this one seems pretty over achieving (repaint room. Yeah, right?)
LaRae - I'm in that same boat. Without my lists I would be completely lost. I write everything down so I don't HAVE to remember it. That's way too much pressure.
Ronnica - Her list DID make me happy.
Crystal - You're right. She does have a kind heart. We are a big donating family. I always have a bag in our coat closet for outgrown clothes, shoes and unwanted personal items to donate. Once a month I drop them off at a Goodwill type store.
Jen - somehow I missed you. I agree that it's good to start list making young. I think it's something innate. Both of my girls make lists.
mydaughter inherited my to do list obsession too. sadly she brings her lists to me to gather the the things she needs to do the things on her list and thus adds more to my to do lists.
I'm a list maker too...maybe that's one of the reasons we've been friends for so many years Pam -- we're a lot alike! I actually just finished making one for tomorrow -- not something I normally need on a Saturday but after last weeks move I need a list to keep me moving and not just overwhelmed by boxes! I like how you feel a sense of accomplishment every time you can cross something off your list -- even if it's only the grocery store!
Wow! She's more organized than me and I've got 29 years on her! I give her about 6 years and she will have her own TV Show in HGTV!
Amazing list! The only ones I ever see my children produce are the kind with "wishes" on them...birthdays, Christmas, etc..(hehe)
Terra - That is too funny. Sounds like a smart girl. She'll probably run a major corportation some day - she's a great delegater!
Gail - I agree about the sense of accomplishment. Especially when you have a big job to do, like move into a new house!
FranticMommy - You are probably right about Madeleine. We have always thought she will accomplish great things in life. We shall see.
Hiccups! - Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. I'm so honored. Don't be fooled. She is the queen of Christmas wish lists as well. It will go down in family history the year she gave out lists that included things she did NOT want to receive. Some family members were a little offended by that I think. Ooops!
That's cute. I used to make lists like that all the time when I was her age.
Angie - Really? Do you still make lots of lists?
Yes, I keep lists for everything: things I have to do today, books I want to read, people who are following my blog (that one probably sounds weird, but accidentally deleted a few of my people once and I couldn't figure out who they to let them know that I wasn't the one who kicked them off). By the way, I think accidentally kicked you off my blog as well. I just wanted you to know that I wasn't the one who kicked you off. I didn't get mad at you or anything :)
Angie - No worries. I'm re-following your blog!
FranticMommy- I just want to say that having an HGTV show would be THE ABSOLUTE BEST JOB EVER! And I just had to add that you read my mind :D And thank you Crystal for saying that I have a kind heart, I have always thought it was wasteful to throw things away if they were still good enough to use! And mom, I have never seen Katie make a list other than the kind that Homeschool Hiccups' kids have, Wish lists!
Madeleine - Be nice! Your sister makes lists all the time about things she doesn't want to forget to take to school in the morning. That's a form of organization, too. ;)
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