The Tudors - It became apparent to me this week that Henry Cavill (the actor who plays Charles, Duke of Suffolk) is not just another pretty face (and gorgeous body). *ahem* He is actually a really good actor. He has done a fantastic job in the last two episodes showing his anguish at having to carry out the brutal punishments demanded by the King. Just his facial expressions alone conveyed his inner turmoil. Made me want to hold him in my arms and tell him it would be alright. But, I digress...
American Idol - Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Kara call Adam's performance "sleazy"? AND she meant it as a compliment. Hmmm... Oh and was anyone else flabbergasted when "sleazy" Adam was in the bottom two?! You've got to be kidding! That was the most drama filled moment in this (kind of bland) season.
LOST - I was happy to see LOST deal with Daniel's story this week. I've always been kind of intrigued by him and they haven't really spent too much time telling us his story. I'm a little bit confused about what will happen if he is able to undo the whole "hatch situation". What will that mean for the Oceanic survivors? What will happen to Aaron back in LA? He would never have been with Kate if there hadn't been a plane crash. Will he just disappear? Will all the dead passengers be alive and living in "the future"? This is just too much for my pea brain to handle.
Oh and did I get this right? Charles Widmore is Daniel's father? Okaaaay....
The Office - What's up with Phyllis? This is the third time (that I can remember) that she's been a b!tch to Pam. First she copied her wedding to Roy (ouch) and then after Pam began dating Jim, she made some comment about assigning sales calls fairly and not just to whomever she was sleeping with that week (double ouch). Most of the time she seems sweet and maternal, but every now and then she turns into a wicked witch. What's up with that? On a positive note, Jim looked very cute in his casual Friday v-neck sweater.
I LOVE the Tudors.. Everything about it. I appreciate that finally we are portraying the royals as the rockstars of their time (which they were) instead of as stodgy, ruffled prudes. Plus, one of my historic heros is Elizabeth I.
I haven't watched the second season yet, but will soon (summer is coming) :)
I love everthing about the Tudor period. For some unknown reason I have a fascination with Henry VIII. Such a megalomaniac! Summer is a great time to catch up on "seasons past" of favorite TV shows. It's so great to be able to watch a whole bunch of episodes back to back. My husband and I did this with Six Feet Under a couple of years a ago. It was awesome.
I don't get the Tudors on my tv or if I do, it is during bed/bath routine but... The Office. Made me frustrated this week darnit. Too angry and sad. Phyllis is b**tch and I don't like that Dwight is not Michael's best friend any longer. I thought the funniest part was Meredith in her too revealing dress. OMG
AMERICAN IDOL - Adam in the bottom 2? No way. He was on top last week and now he is in the bottom 2? Did you notice Ryan didn't ask the judges if america got it right? RIGGED. danny and alison both had birthdays so they were in the top 2. hmmm I am smelling a producers stunt here to make sure that we all vote for Adam. They want Adam and Danny in the finals. Never mind that I think Adam is brilliant and should win, this just wasn't fair
I am sad to say, I don't watch those shows. I used to watch AI, but skipped it this season, I tried watching Lost and know I would LOVE it but going to go for the DVD set...too much pressure to watch each week..and the Office - well...I am more of a Big Bang Theory kind of gal when it comes to TV Humor.
Clare - The Tudors is a Showtime show. And I like it so much I subscribed just so I could watch. Before this season a friend was taping them for me, but I got impatient waiting for the tapes. I forgot about Meredith's dress! That was hysterical. I hadn't thought that AI was rigged! But, I can totally see it now. Hmm...
Terra - LOST on DVD is a great idea! It can be a confusing show, so being able to watch episodes back to back might be helpful. Summer time is a great time to catch up on shows on DVD. I'm not familiar with Big Bang Theory, but I will admit the humor of The Office is not for everyone. Truthfully, I started watching for the romance between Jim and Pam and the humor slowly grew on me.
Hi Pam,
Thanks so much for visiting! Nice to meet you! I am a huge LOST fan as well. Love your design as well. Very cool colors! ;)
Renee - You're welcome. I really love your blog. Thanks for the compliment on my blog design. It's still pretty new to me (less than a month) and I'm very happy with it.
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