OK, once again I've had a super busy day and I'm writing this post at 10:30 pm (a little earlier than yesterday's post. WooHoo!). So if it doesn't make complete sense, please bear with me. Lots to be thankful for this week:
1. I am thankful that I found my way to the ICA in Boston on Friday without getting even a little bit lost! And I'm glad I figured out that the best way to do that is to take multiple sets of directions. A compilation of all of them will most likely make sense. Who needs GPS anyway?
2. I'm thankful that I have kept in touch with Kristen, my friend from college, and that we manage to get together a couple of times a year even though we live 2 hours away from each other. Sometimes we meet at an outlet mall that's partway between our towns, but usually we meet in Boston to explore a museum. I'm grateful that I have a friend who shares my love of art and history. And books - we always manage to share a couple of titles with each other. Oh, and next time we get together she wants to come and explore Providence. THAT is something to be grateful for as well!
3. I am so thankful that Geoff and Madeleine helped me clean out the garage this past weekend (even if it was on Mother's Day). Just call me Angela. If you don't get this reference, read this. First of all, my pack rat husband finally agreed to get rid of a bunch of tools and other useless junk unused items, which had been clogging up the garage for years! And secondly, I found Hortense!!! Who is Hortense? Hortense is my little stone gargoyle who sits in my bird bath every spring and summer. I always put the birdbath (and Hortense) away for the colder months and two years ago when spring finally sprung I couldn't find him anywhere. I was seriously bummed. I LOVE gargoyles and I was especially fond of Hortense. On Mother's Day I found him buried under above mentioned "unused items". *ahem* (That is not a picture of Hortense, but it's pretty close to what he looks like. If it wasn't 11:00 pm I'd go take a picture and post it, but it is and I'm not.)
4. Thrilled beyond belief that I won two tickets to Trinity Repertory Company in the RARI raffle on Saturday! I was hoping to see at least one show next season and when I looked at the upcoming schedule (before I won the tickets), there were 4 shows (out of 6) I REALLY wanted to see and one I wanted to see and one I was lukewarm about. I tried to talk Geoff into a season subscription and he wasn't buying it (figuratively or literally). I did get him to agree to see one show. So now I can see two shows! Right? The free tickets "buy" me a bonus show - don't they? Of course they do. It's perfect logic!
5. I'm also grateful for having a chance to spend some time with my friend Margaret on Tuesday. Margaret is another friend of mine who loves art and history. She lives here in RI and occasionally we go to NYC and visit The Metropolitan Museum of Art. (And a few years ago we spent 5 days in DC visiting as many museums as we could. It was awesome!) This spring we signed up for a three lecture series of Art Talks at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). Since neither one of us knows all that much about art, even though we both love it, we decided it might be fun to learn a little bit that we could hopefully apply the next time we're standing in front of a fabulous painting by a famous artist. Unfortunately, we didn't get very much out of either of the two lectures that we actually attended. But, it was still fun to meet for lunch before the lecture. We bought salads at Whole Foods and sat on a bench by the Providence River and had a nice chat before going to the boring lecture. Hey, being with a friend makes everything better.
Wow, looking back I really had a great week! It's been busy, but full of great things. And if that means having to write posts in the middle of the night (or until 11:00 pm) - so be it. I'm lucky to have had such an awesome week! How about you? Did something good happen to you this past week? I sure hope so!
You really DID have a great (full!) week! I would love to learn more about art. And you're right - even the boring stuff is ok when you're sharing it with someone you don't get to spend much time with. And free tickets, to boot! Not only a great week, but a LUCKY week for you!
Yay Pam!
There is always so much to be thankful for! It sounds like it's been a good, but busy week :)
I like how you tie your week up in a nice little package, and it's like your re-living the gift all over.......very sweet. You had a wonderful week!!
Pam, Hortense called and he's upset that you chose to use a 'stand-in' for his appearance on your blog. Oh yeah, he also said he's been operating under the assumption he's a girl so now he's thinking he's gonna have to double up on his therapy sessions.
Tammy - I was very LUCKY to win those theater tickets. I'm SO jazzed.
Bethany - It HAS been a busy week and I've been a little frazzled, but when I stopped to do Thankful Thursday, I realized it was all GOOD stuff that I'd been so busy with. That's what I love about Thankful Thursday, it makes me realize I have more to be thankful about than I do to complain about.
Anita - It is fun to look back over the week and think about all the good stuff. It's something I really need to force myself to do.
Sandy - I know, I know. I named him Hortense and then figured out that it's a girl's name. Come on! Hortense sounds like a boy's name to me. Anyway, I just couldn't bring myself to change his name or to think of him as a girl, so Hortense it is. What's another day in a the therapist's chair? Between Hortense and my kids, I'm going to have to start a "shrink's fund" to go along with the "college fund". LOL!
I like Hortense's name :)
glad you found him!
You could always just put an O on the end of his name... that makes it male in Spanish (I think) Hortenseo. Lol
Glad you had such a wonderful week!
Thank you so much for bringing me comment love so often and for supporting me in my effort. Your wonderful.
Emily - Thank you! Me too!
Sharon - Good idea. Hortenseo - I like the sound of that! You are so sweet and I LOVE checking in on your blog!
You did have a busy week. And yes, winning a free pair of tickets doesn't count as the one that Geoff already agreed to (which means he agreed to spending the money, which you didn't) so you do get 2 shows.
wow you did have a great week! And busy too! I have to say, though, I am not a fan of the gargoyle - don't know why...just not - but you can be! That is what is so wonderful!
I do hope you and your family will play along in the contest this week! I am looking forward to your entries!
You had a wonderful week. Sometimes you need a rearview mirror to see it...
First off...LOVE Hortense! He's a a doll. He is a "boy", right? Secondly, I admire you for staying in touch with your -love-of-the-arts friends. Those type of friends are critical in our sanity and always loads to fun to hang with (cuz you'll never run out of things to talk about!). I call my core girlie friends like that I jokingly "The Umbrella Of Wisdom Girls" (or "Brella-ettes). We think alike, have similar goals, and always seem to know the answer when on of us is "stuck" on something. Great post Pam!
Gail - Thanks for validating my 2 shows at Trinity logic!
Terra - Maybe gargoyles are an aquired taste! LOL
Kathy - I like how you used "rearview mirror" to describe my Thankful Thursday musings. That's exactly what it is. Maybe I should change the title....hmmm.
Frantic - Glad you LOVE Hortense. And yes he is a boy. I think maybe I'm the only one who didn't realize Hortense is a girl's name. Oh well he's been Hortense for awhile now - so he's just going to have to deal with a girly name. He's a tough little guy, he can handle it!
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