Suggested by Prairie Progressive:
Do you read the inside flaps that describe a book before or while reading it?
I absolutely read the inside flap of any and all books that I read. That is how I know that I want to read them. If the summary on the flap does not grab my attention, I will not read the book - no matter how many great reviews I've read or how much buzz the book is getting. I will only change my mind if someone whose opinion I value has read the book and tells me I will love it. That happened with Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. I had picked that book up three or four times and every time I put it back because the inside flap didn't interest me. Then my friend Peggy read it and told me I would love it. And she was right. I am so glad I didn't miss out on reading that book.
Also, I will often refer to the inside flap while reading a book to see how some plot point compares to the information provided on the flap. I remember one time reading a book and finding that I was surprised by the plot because the inside flap seemed to describe the book quite differently. I can't for the life of me remember what the book was or even the details of how the flap and the story differed, but I do remember how shocking and disconcerting that was for me.
How about you? Are you a Flapper?
Of course I read the inside flap! Doesn't everyone?!
Yup, I read flaps. And if I like a book, I read every other bit of it, too - acknowledgments, author bio, etc.
I had the same experience with Water for Elephants. I'd heard it was good but wasn't interested in the story. Then I read it for book group and loved it (so did everyone else!). I do often rely on reviews and others' opinions for that reason. The book flap can't tell you how well-written a book is.
I'm a flapper and I even read the last page of every book I buy! LOL
The timing on this is so funny for me! I am most assuredly a flap reader. But just today I bought a book that didn't have a flap (trade paperback) and only had reviews on the back - no synopsis. It just sort of called to me - maybe I judged a book by it's cover. Maybe I'll regret it and be trotting it off to half price books in a week to try to get a little something back from my investment. But it sort of feels like an adventure. A very out of character adventure...
I'm a flapper......I wouldn't have it any other way. I also judge a book by it's cover, marketing is key to me, I need to like the cover.
Here's one for you. If you happen to buy or read a hardcover book, do you read it with or without the dust jacket? I know library books are all attached, but what do you do?
I think I read mostly with it on.........unless it bothers me.
How can one not flap? What a sad place it would be to not flap and be astounded by what you have flapped causing you to flap out that wallet and flap the money down. Would those who refuse to flap be known as book cover judgers?
I'm a flapper too. Most books I read are recommended or on a list somewhere and I have to like the flap to read it.
I am soooo a flapper. Like you, if it does not grab me, I do not take it home!
Maybe the first sentence or two but that's it. I don't want to know much of anything so I can form my own opinion. I usually read the first paragraph or two of a book before I decide to buy or check it out. If it doesn't catch me by then, I know it won't catch me at all. The exception to that rule has been James Michener's books...he's pretty dry for the first 100 pages but once he gets to the meat of the story, it's fascinating!
Oh yes, always read the flap to see if I'd like the book. I don't really go by what others say about it unless someone specifically recommends it to me. Water For Elephants is one I had a similar experience with. Lots of people say how good it is but when I looked at it, I just wasn't interested. Now I see you felt the same way but went ahead and read it anyway and liked it so now I'm tempted to try again.
Congrats on your SITS day!
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