I found this cute Christmas meme at
A Peek at Karen's World and just couldn't resist. Feel free to play along if the spirit moves you. Come on! You know you want to.
1. Have you started your Christmas shopping?
Yes. I've got the lion's share done. I just have a couple of gift cards to get and I still need to come up with something else for my husband. Any ideas?
2. Tell me about one of your special traditions.
In 1978, when I was 14 years old, my paternal grandmother hosted a Christmas Eve get together for her 4 sons and their families. It was such a success that she did it every year until I was about 22. I always looked forward to spending Christmas Eve with my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Most of whom I didn't see very often throughout the year. When my grandmother was too old to host, my Dad and Step mom took over the duties and we continued getting together with my extended family until 1995, the year my Grandmother died. Now each of her sons hosts his own children and grandchildren. Unfortunately, as my generation grew up and got married it just got to complicated for everyone to get together. Suddenly, there were too many other families to consider. But, Christmas Eve at Dad and Sandy's is still my favorite Christmas tradition. And now it's my children and my brother's children who get to spend the evening with their grandparents, cousins and aunt and uncle. We've come full circle.
3. When do you put up your Tree?
I don't have a set date, but usually I do it 2 weeks before Christmas. This year we will put it up this upcoming weekend.
4. Are you a Black Friday shopper?
Absolutely not! And I have no intention of ever becoming one.
5. Do you Travel at Christmas or Stay home?
On Christmas morning we go to my brother and sister-in-law's house for brunch. It's only 1/2 mile away. Not really "traveling", but we do leave home for a few hours.
6. What is your funniest Christmas memory?
My funniest memory is the year my mother attached wind chimes to the outside of our Christmas stockings so that she would hear us when we snuck out of bed and tried to get into the presents in the middle of the night. I still vividly remember the wind chime that was attached to my stocking.
7. What is your favorite Christmas Movie of all time?
A Christmas Story, hands down. We make a concerted effort to watch that movie as a family every year at Christmas time. I also love The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (the original cartoon version). I'm the only one who really likes that one and I watch it every year, even if I do it all by myself.
8. Do you do your own Christmas baking? What’s your favorite treat?
I do NOT do any Christmas baking. For a few years when my kids were very small, a friend and I would get together and bake cookies during one marathon session at one of our houses. It seems so silly now to think I did that with four toddlers running around. Why the heck did I think that was a good idea? I don't really have a favorite Christmas treat. Maybe I need to get one.
9. Fake or Real Tree?
Without a doubt, REAL! Though sometimes I understand the wisdom behind the convenience of an artificial tree. I'm just not ready to "go there" yet.
10. What day does the actual panic set in to get it all done?
No particular day. And I usually don't panic, but being that I'm a Type A+ personality, once I start shopping I feel compelled to finish RIGHT NOW! Even if I start in October. It's completely ridiculous. If I haven't started, I'm completely fine, but once I get going I just want it done... NOW! Can you say anal?
11. Are you still wrapping presents on Christmas Eve?
Absolutely not. See anal, above.
12. What is your favorite family fun time at Christmas?
Watching A Christmas Story, Christmas Eve with my entire family at my Dad's and playing games on Christmas Day.
13. What Christmas craft do you like the best?
I don't do "craft".
14. Christmas music? Yes or No, and if yes What is your favorite song?
I enjoy listening to Christmas music in the two or three weeks leading up to Christmas. Any sooner and I get very cranky. My favorite Christmas song is Oh, Holy Night. I get goosebumps every time I hear the lyric "Fall on your knees". Not sure why.
15. When do you plan to finish all your shopping?
Sometime between now and next week. I usually finish the week before Christmas.
Do you want to play along?Just simply copy and paste the questions into your blog, and then answer them.
Here are the official rules, though I am choosing not to tag anyone. Feel free to do so, or not.
•Then tag 5 or more of your favorite blogs, and leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged.
•When you post on your blog, please spread some Christmas Cheer, and leave a link back to the blogger who started the meme: Heather @ (
Top 10 Christmas) Heather would like any blogger to participate in this meme, so
let her know if you do it.