Since yesterday was my birthday and I'm now another year older and wiser, and I've been blogging for just over a year, I thought I would make a list of all the things that I've learned in the year since I've been blogging. Feel free to add any tips or hints in the comments.
1. I really don't like it when I have to type in word verification to leave a comment on a blog.
2. I also don't like it when some blog "formats" (for lack of knowing the real word), make me fill in my name, email and web address to leave a comment.
3. I don't like blogs that are all about giveaways and advertising.
4. It's not essential to blog every day. Your readers will still be around even if it's been a while since you've blogged.
5. Don't write your best content on the weekend. There is very little blog traffic on Saturday and Sunday.
6. I miss my favorite blogs when they don't post for a while. And I'm always so excited when they do post.
7. I really enjoy bloggers who write insightful and thought-provoking posts. That being said, I enjoy the occasional meme or silly post as well.
8. I don't need to comment on every post that I read. I leave a comment when I have something intelligent to add to the "conversation".
9. I wish everyone who left a comment on my blog had their email address attached to their profile. That way I could reply to them directly. I always feel bad when I'm not able to thank a new commenter for visiting or to further the conversation with them. Do you know if you're a "no reply commenter"? Check your dashboard. You may be missing out on some of the fun of blogging.
10. I love the little community of bloggers that I've met on my blog. Some of us run in the same circles and it's fun to see them around the blogosphere.
11. I love the friendships I've found "behind the scenes" with some fellow bloggers. (This is why it's important to have your email attached to your profile. See #8). I've gotten some great advice, support and encouragement behind the scenes and I consider these women to be my friends. You know who you are.
12. I love having the opportunity to express my thoughts here on my blog. So many times throughout the day I'll read something or hear about something and feel as though I have a strong opinion or reaction to it that I'd like to share. And a blog is a perfect platform for that. So thanks for listening and participating.
13. As much as I love SITS and the fact that I've found several great blogs that way and I owe many of my followers to the fact that I was a featured blogger, I wish there was a SITS style blog that featured more "serious" blogs. Bloggers who are all about content. Who make me think about the world in new ways. Who make me sit up and take notice and want to comment and further the discussion. Does this make any sense? Do any of you feel the same way? Do you know of such a blog? Many of you write this type of blog. How have you found other blogs of substance?
After reading Stroke of Living's comment I just had to add a couple more items to my list of things I've learned this year. Thanks to her for her insight.
14. Don't get too caught up in Awards. I will admit that when I first starting blogging and I saw all those Awards flying around I was very anxious to receive one. And then I did. And it was so exciting and flattering. And a lot of work. The first few I received required you to answer a bunch of questions and then pass the award on to a certain number of people. YIKES! Choosing who to pass them on to was so difficult. And I would spend up to an hour copying and pasting and linking and stressing. Finally, I went Award Free and I have not looked back. I will admit that sometimes I feel a little sad when I don't get awards, but that it NOT why I started blogging in the first place. Getting comments and feedback on my posts is award enough. And that brings me to my next point:
15. Followers. Don't get all worked about how many followers you have. Trust me on this one. I have 182 followers and I appreciate each and every one of them. But you know what. Only a handful (and I do mean a handful) actually ever comment on my blog. I have no idea how many read my blog, but it's no where near 182. I get around 30 visitors a day to Pam's Perspective. So really, it's not about the followers, it's about the comments. And most of my posts get less than 15 (or maybe even 10) comments. Remember blogging is not a popularity contest. Or at least it isn't for me.
16. One more thing about following. I learned quickly to follow anonymously. The bad part of that is that the blogger's followers count doesn't go up. But the good thing is that if you decide to stop following (for whatever reason), no one's feelings get hurt. Believe me it happens. And it's uncomfortable when someone calls you out on it. And along those lines, don't take it too personally if you lose a follower or two or three. I know that's harder said than done, but remember it's about commenters not followers. Losing a loyal commenter is something to spend time wondering about. A lost follower... not so much.
On another note...
Imagine my surprise this morning when I sat down to read my favorite blogs and found out that I am being featured at A Peek at Karen's World. I nearly fell out of my chair. I love Karen's blog. I found her not too long ago when she was the SITS featured blogger. She and I have a lot in common - our love for Bon Jovi, books, movies, Lost and we share a birthday! Of course, she's still young and I'm starting to feel my age, but that's beside the point. So, thanks Karen, and if you don't already know her, you might want to check her out.