Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thankful Thursday
1. I'm am so grateful that Katie had a fun time at her prom last Friday night. I was a little worried about it because she didn't have a date and was going with a group of people - 5 couples and 2 other "single" girls. Turns out she had way more fun than most girls who were coupled up. Apparently, most of the girls who were there with simple dates (as opposed to actual boyfriends) spent most of the evening trying their best to avoid these poor young men. How sad is that? Why, I ask, did they say yes to these boys, if they didn't want to spend time with them? I think the answer is that they REALLY wanted to go to the prom. I'm so proud of Katie that she didn't let a little thing like the lack of a date stop her from going. And apparently, a date was the last thing she needed in order to have a good time. You go girl! Gotta love her spunk and courageous spirit!
2. Trying really hard to find the silver lining on this one. I'm thankful that I had to go to the dentist last week to repair three teeth that I have apparently chipped or worn away from incessant grinding. What? I don't grind my teeth! Well, upon carefully paying attention to myself and my habits (for the entire month that transpired between dental checkup and tooth repair) it came to my attention that I DO in fact grind my teeth. All the time. As in continuously. Like a nervous tic or hair twirling. YIKES! So, what am I grateful for, exactly. Well, the bonding material that is now covering said destroyed teeth feels like nails on a chalkboard (inside my head!) every time I try to grind them. No more grinding! Imagine that!
3. I am so thankful, surprised and humbled by the people who have decided to follow me here on Pam's Perspective. I really am. And even more exciting to me is the little community we seem to have built up here and on a few other blogs. Some of us are even now Facebook friends and Twitterati (is that a word? If not it should be!). A year of so ago, I joined a message board for the TV show The Office and I really loved the community of people there. Unfortunately, things got a little dramatic and after a year I decided to walk away. I was very sad about it and for a while it was really hard not to check in. I really missed some of the people in that community - and I still do . When I started my blog, I had no idea that a community could be built up around it as well. And it makes me so happy. So, thank you for that! Anyone else want to join my group of Facebook friends or Twitterati? Just send me an email and I'll tell you how to find me. (You can find my email address by clicking the Contact tab at the top of my blog).
4. I have Anita from A Wife, a Woman, a Mom to thank for this entry. She pointed out to me that I am lucky to be close enough to a city to see some decent theater. I hadn't even given that a moments thought before she mentioned it. I am lucky! I love going to musicals and plays and I am lucky to have several very good local theaters right in my backyard. Not to mention the fact that I'm lucky to be able to purchase tickets and attend these productions. So, thank YOU Anita for helping me to see my good fortune. It really is awfully easy to take things for grated.
5. Last but not least, I'm thankful for the three blog awards I was given this week. Wow! What a week.
So, how about you? What's in the full half of your glass this week?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Reading Across Rhode Island

Those of you who read my book reviews may have noticed that I have mentioned Reading Across Rhode Island (RARI) a couple of times. (The quickly becoming famous) Anita asked me in a comment a couple of days ago if I would explain what RARI is. I realized after reading her comment that those of you who don't live in RI (and possibly some of you who do) may not know what the heck I'm talking about. Reading Across Rhode Island is a project of Rhode Island Center for the Book (at the Providence Public Library), whose goal is to promote literacy for all Rhode Islanders. The idea of the RARI organization is to choose one book a year, promote it through all the state public and school libraries and encourage everyone in RI to read that book. Hence the slogan - one book, one state, literally. Each year the book is announced to the public in January. In addition, an official launch conference is held in which the author comes and gives a talk and participants can participate in workshops relating to promoting the book, book clubs, topics covered in the book, etc. The launch conference is open to the public, but typically it is attended mainly by librarians and teachers. As a matter of fact, you have this year's conference to blame for this very blog. One of the workshops I attended was titled - Blogging: what it is and should I do it? I attended that particular workshop because my boss had asked me to write a book review blog for the library. Pam's Perspective was my "training blog" so that I could get my feet wet before publishing a "professional" blog. Ha! Anyway, I'm rambling again.
Back to RARI...
This year marks the 7th year for RARI and the book chosen was Five Skies by Ron Carlson. You can read my review of Five Skies here. And it's the first year that my teeny, tiny library has presented any programs promoting this event. That would be the book club discussion that I ran last week. And next weekend, I will be attending the culminating event for this year's book - the May breakfast held at Rhodes on the Pawtuxet, a large banquet facility in Cranston, RI. This event drew 800 (I think) people last year and it was the first year I attended. At the May breakfast, the author again comes to RI and does a reading, gives a talk and takes questions. Last year I attended this event with Sandy and Colleen (two women from my personal book club, Chapter Chat. Hi ladies!). This year I will be attending with 7 other women - 3 from Chapter Chat (including Sandy and Colleen) and 4 from my library book club - Books on Main. It's sure to be a great event! From the launch conference I already know that Ron Carlson is an engaging speaker. Plus he's very easy on the eyes. Oops, I'm digressing again.
For all you bookworms out there, here is a list of the 6 other RARI books:
2003 – Wish You Well, by David Baldacci
2004 – Secret Life of Bees, by Sue Monk Kidd
2005 – Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini
2006 – Shadow Divers, by Robert Kurson
2007 - The Memory of Running, by East Providence native, Ron McLarty
2008 - Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen
In case you are wondering, I have read all of these books with the exception of Shadow Divers. If you haven't read Kite Runner or Water for Elephants, I highly recommend them! I'll be sure to let you all know how the May breakfast goes next Saturday. I'm sure you will be hearing more about RARI in the coming months as I am actually serving on the nominating committee for the 2010 book selection! So, many of the books that I will reviewing between now and August will be RARI 2010 nominees. This is my first year to serve on this committee and I'm not sure yet if these nominees are top secret, but if I get the OK, I will be sure to let you know which books are up for consideration. And, if you know of a great book, you can nominate it on the RARI website linked above. How cool would that be - to know that YOU are the one who recommended the book that the whole (itty bitty) state of RI was going to read? Awesome, right? So go ahead, nominate a book or two or three. I know you want to....
It Must Be Award Season

Wow! To quote the fabulous Tammy, "It must be Award Season", here in bloggy land. The Grover-loving, English transplant Clare at This and That nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award today! I'm so honored. Thank you Clare. She also nominated me for another Kreativ Blogger Award, as well. Wow! I think I might go buy a lottery ticket today - it's my lucky day!
The rules for this award are very simple. You need to post the award on your blog, link back to the person who nominated you and pass the love to up to 15 new blogs that you have discovered. Let those you gave an award to know through a comment on their blog. OK, no way I can come up with 15 blogs since I just gave awards to 10 people yesterday and I'd like to honor different people this time. So, I'm going to do my best. I have a feeling that a couple of the following bloggers may not be into this kind of thing and if that's the case, no problem. Just ignore all this frivolity! I hereby give the One Lovely Blog Award to:
Sandy at It's a Jungle Out There
Esther at Gratuitous Violins
Terra at The Emerson Family
Alex at Please Try Again
Anita at A Wife, A Woman, A Mom
Tammy at Keep in Touch With Mommakin
Congratulations ladies!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Gratitude and Kreativity
The lemonade award is for showing great attitude and/or gratitude. Each award has a pay it forward concept...
The Rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog, nominate at least 10 blogs, which show great attitude and/or gratitude.
2. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
3. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
4. Share the love and link to this post, and/or to the person from whom you received your award.
And as if that awesome award wasn't enough, Anita also gave me the Kreativ Blogger Award:
2. Link to the person who has tagged you
3. Choose 7 more bloggers to give the Kreativ Award to.
OK, here goes. 7 things I love:
1. Dark Chocolate
2. Sleeping in
3. The Office
4. Visiting libraries when I travel
5. Mah Jong
6. Traveling
7. Art Museums
OK, now the best part. I get to pay it forward. I'm passing these amazing awards along to the following awesome bloggers:
Crystal at Traveling at the Speed of Life
Sharon at Gramma Sharon's Life
Clare at thisandthat
Becky at FranticMommy
Kel at Girl in the Glasses
Bethany at Striving to be Bold
Lucky Wife/Bookaholic at Everyday Hills and Valleys
C at CW5h20
Stereos and Souffles
Celine at Chez Celine
Theater Review: The Importance of Being Earnest

Image from Google Images
Monday, April 27, 2009
Book Review: Five Skies by Ron Carlson

Last Wednesday night the George Hail Library book club, Books on Main, met to discuss Five Skies, the 2009 Reading Across Rhode Island (RARI) selection. Five Skies tells the story of three men who are running from their pasts and who find themselves working on a construction project in a remote area of Idaho. As the project progresses, the men begin to reveal themselves to each other and in so doing begin the process of healing from their deep personal wounds.
I must admit that I was not very excited about reading this book. I was disappointed when it was chosen as the RARI book for 2009, because the topic was not in the least interesting to me and I was afraid that all the construction "talk" in the book would bore me. I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed this book much more than I ever thought I would. Ron Carlson is a masterful writer and I found myself enjoying the plain and simple language that somehow managed to be poetic without being flowery. But, the most amazing thing about this book is the brilliant way in which the story of the three men slowly unfolds over the course of the novel. One of the book club members described it as an "evolving" and that is exactly what it was. And this was such a clever writing technique since it mirrored each characters slow journey of healing that took place throughout the novel. Brilliant! I have never read another book in which the story "evolved" in such a skillful manner. And the construction "talk", while at times a little incomprehensible (to me at least), did not detract at all from the story. Those sections of the book were nicely interspersed with the revealing of the characters' stories (and were easily skimmed through without interfering with the understanding of the story as a whole. Shhh! Don't tell anyone I said that).
Five Skies is a wonderful novel filled with richly developed characters that the reader really comes to care about. It is also a wonderful story of male friendship and how the slow unfolding of those friendships can be a source of healing. This is definitely one of those books I never would have picked up on my own. But it just goes to show, that even in our reading, it can be a good idea to step outside our comfort zone and try something new. You never know when you might be pleasantly surprised. I certainly was!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sentimental Sunday
This picture was taken in October 2007 at my alma mater, Muhlenberg College, during a road trip with my college friend, Kristen. This is the front of the Ettinger Building. All the doors at M'berg at red. I absolutely love red doors (my front door is the same shade of red) and I own a limited edition print of some of the red doors at M'berg. This picture makes me feel very nostalgic.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
TV Quick Quips
The Tudors - Can I just say, I am sooo glad I didn't live in England in the mid-1500's. What a brutal time it was. I can still not get the image of the women struggling with the guards as their husbands were being hanged for treason. It's haunting me.
American Idol - Even though I agree it was time for her to go, I was sad about Lil being sent home. She started out as one of my favorites, but she really seemed to go downhill after a great start. And it was definitely time for Anoop to leave. I never really liked him all that much as singer. From now on it's going to be much harder to see the contestants go. Right now I'm betting on Adam, Kris and Danny as the top three. Adam is still my favorite, but Kris is starting to impress me.
LOST - I LOVE these recap shows that LOST airs every now and then. They feel like review sessions for the big final in my most difficult college course. Every time I see one I realize how much I've forgotten over the course of the season. And how much I never really "got" the first time around. Can't think of any other show that I'm actually not disappointed when there isn't a new episode every week. But I do have to wonder about a show that is so confusing that I need a refresher course part way through the season. I'm beginning to think I'm a glutton for punishment.
The Office - Yay! It was so nice to hear Pam talk about planning her wedding to Jim. When is that going to happen anyway? Double Yay, for Jim FINALLY not looking like a bumbling fool in front of Charles. That whole story line was really bumming me out. Loved the scene when the Korean woman got in the van and everyone just stared blankly ahead. Classic The Office!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Tag - You're It

Wow! How exciting is this? Alex, the author of Please Try Again, has tagged me. I am supposed to reveal thirteen things about myself and then tag other bloggers to do the same. OK, here goes...
OK, so now you know a little bit more about me. Fascinating, right? Now I'm supposed to tag three of you. I'm tagging:
Anita at A Wife, A Woman, A Mom
Tammy at Keep in Touch with Mommakin
Becky at FranticMommy
Can't wait to read your answers (if you decide to play. Please don't feel obligated).
Image from Google Images
Recycling and the Litterbug

Earlier this week I needed to go to my town's recycling center to get rid of some computer monitors. I am a religious recycler. We have curbside recycling every other week and I am extremely careful to recycle everything I possibly can. I don't have a need to go to the actual recycling center very often, however. I was very impressed by how neat, organized and clean it was. There was an older gentleman there who was obviously in charge and he was busy sweeping up the stray leaves from the corners of the lot while I was there! Amazing, right? I was so impressed. I left the recycling center feeling so proud of my town and with a real sense of well-being that I had done something good for the environment that day. As I was pulling out of the recycling center parking lot (thinking about writing a letter to the editor of my small town newspaper extoling the virtues of our great recycling center and the gentleman who runs it) what did I see? A

And I felt like crying in sympathy. How is it that someone can be a litterbug in this day and age? Isn't that one of the first things we teach our children? I can only shake my head in disbelief.
Images from Google images
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thankful Thursday

2. I am thankful that my husband finally made the plane reservations for our summer vacation. He was really dragging his feet and I was starting to get a little nervous. *big sigh of relief*
Image from Google Images
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Spring Awakening

Book Review: Against Medical Advice by James Patterson and Hal Friedman

First I must admit that I am not a James Patterson fan. All you Patterson fans, please don't throw garbage at me. I know he has tons of avid readers and many people absolutely LOVE him. My mom being one of them. She is actually the one who asked me to get this book for her from library where I work. When the book came in, I saw that it was non-fiction and a memoir of sorts about a boy and his family dealing with, as was described on the book jacket, a medical mystery. Well that caught my attention, because I like books that deal with medical mysteries. Against Medical Advice was actually co-authored by the boy's father, Hal Friedman who is a published author himself and apparently has known James Patterson for twenty (or thirty years). Right there that made me suspicious. If Hal Friedman is an author why, exactly, did he need James Patterson to co-author this book? Being the cynic that I am, I assume it was to cash in on Patterson's fame and loyal readership. That kind of bugs me. But no matter, the subject matter was still interesting to me, so I read the book anyway.
The book was told from the perspective of Friedman's son, Cory, at the age of 17 years old. And this was a major drawback for me. It was told in such a simplistic and amateurish style that I just didn't enjoy the writing at all. Why not just let Cory write the book himself? It would have been more authentic that way. And the medical mystery...Tourette's with OCD! THAT'S a mystery? I don't think so. I will agree that Cory suffered from a very severe case of Tourette's which was exacerbated by the OCD. AND it did take a long time for him to get an accurate diagnosis and the right combination of drug therapies. And he certainly suffered during this process. BUT, to use Patterson's name and the guise of a mysterious medical condition to get people to read this book really annoys me. Especially since I was one of the many people to be duped. Did I like this book? No. Was it the story of a medical mystery that really intrigued me and kept me guessing? No. Do I feel sorry for Cory and his family. You bet. Do I feel aggravated that I was duped into reading a mediocre book by the trumped up content. Yes! Does it annoy me further that other readers will be further duped into reading it because Patterson (supposedly) wrote it. Yes, again. I think this would have been a much more honest book if Hal Friedman had just written a simple book about his son and his family's struggles with plain old Tourette's complicated by OCD. Would he have gotten as many readers? Absolutely not. Would I have more respect for him. Mostly certainly, I would.
Anita, I'm sorry I couldn't give you a more positive review of a book you're waiting to read. And I know (from your book list on your blog) that you are a Patterson fan. I hope this doesn't discourage you from reading this book, if you were really looking forward to it. This is just my opinion, afterall.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Courage and Convictions
I want to talk about the Miss USA brouhaha that hit the morning talk shows this morning (at least it was on The Today Show). The controversy revolves around the question asked of Miss California, Carrie Prejean, during the interview portion of the competition. Perez Hilton asked her the following question: “Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same-sex marriage, do you think every state should follow suit? Why or why not?” Miss Prejean answered that she believes that marriage is between a man and a woman and she does not wish to see more states legalize same-sex marriage (or something to that effect). OK, now here is where I do NOT want to talk about sex, religion or politics. I am NOT interested in discussing this question or her answer to it.
What I do want to discuss is the fact that Miss USA contestants and people in general should be applauded when they stand up for their convictions - especially when their convictions are unpopular, politically incorrect and/or might cost them something important (the Miss USA crown). Standing up for your convictions (non-violently, of course) is to be encouraged and applauded. Whether or not I agree with her, I admire her courage and strength. And, truthfully, I wonder about whether we want a Miss USA who simply spouts "non-answers" to heated questions or really answers the question "what do you think". If we don't want to know the answer to those types of questions, we shouldn't ask them. We should not be asking someone to hide their beliefs, if those beliefs in fact will be held against them. I really felt that needed to be said. I hope everyone will be able to see the true intent of this post. The courage of standing up for your convictions. Whether we agree or disagree with Miss Prejean - it's her courage I wish to spotlight.
Image from Google Images
Book Review: The Commoner by John Burnham Schwartz

In any case, The Commoner takes place in 1959 Japan and is the story of how Haruko, a young woman from a good family, comes to marry the Crown Prince. She is the first commoner to ever marry into the mysterious and cloistered world of the monarchy. What makes this union so remarkable, aside from the fact that Haruko is a commoner, is that she and the Prince marry for love. Unfortunately, their love is not enough to overcome the restrictions and hostility of the insular world behind the palace walls. Haruko is never fully accepted by either the Prince's mother or her cronies. After giving birth to a son, which is basically all she is really needed for, Haruko literally loses her voice and descends into a deep depression. Slowly she recovers and when her son becomes a man and marries a commoner, Haruko decides to take the girl under her wing and show her the kindness that was so cruelly withheld from Haruko herself.
Before reading this book, I didn't realize that the premise of this story is based on the lives of the current Empress of Japan, Michiko and her daughter-in-law, Princess Masako. I only learned that later when I was reading other reviews of this book. I must say that I was very disappointed in this book. The characters were very two-dimensional and I was never able to fully engage with any of them or the story as whole. It's really too bad, because I think this could have been a very interesting book. Overall, the plot felt very flat and dull. It's not terrible, just bland. Unfortunately, it's not a book I would recommend. What a shame, it had such great potential.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Let's Hear It For The Underdogs

What really struck me about Susan and this whole situation is the very reason behind WHY the whole world was so surprised by Susan's talent. If Susan had been a beautiful, graceful and poised 47 year old woman, no one would have batted an eye when she sang with that lovely voice. So, why was everyone so shocked when it turned out that frumpy, awkward, misfit Susan could sing like an angel? What is it about human nature that we just assume that people who are a little different can't be accomplished or shouldn't be taken seriously. You have to wonder how many Susan Boyle's are out there right now with a gift to share with the world, who haven't been able to do that simply because no one has ever taken them seriously or given them an opportunity. Or, unlike Susan, maybe they haven't had the courage or gumption to endure the taunts and eye-rolling to stand up and actually prove to the doubting Thomas' what they really can do. So, here's to Susan Boyle and all the other underdogs out there. Hold your heads high and share your talents with the world. Don't be afraid. Take heart. Susan has paved the way for you. And as for me, I am going to be sure that I no longer look past or through people who seem "different". I'm going to go out of my way to smile and say hello. You never know. I might just be giving someone the little bit of encouragement they need to make their mark on the world. At the very least, I will brighten their day. And mine.
Image from Google images
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sentimental Sunday
Saturday, April 18, 2009
So Many Books, So Little Time

Image from Google images
TV Quick Quips

It's Saturday, so it must be time for TV Quick Quips. I really missed Friday Night Lights this week. And that made me realize that soon all my favorite shows will be on hiatus. Bummer! I'll just have to spend the summer catching up all the movies in my Netflix queue. As always, TV Quick Quips contain spoilers.
American Idol - From the very first episode Alison, Adam and Lil have been my favorites. As the show has progressed, I've really come to love Danny, too. But, I have to say that after the last few weeks, Lil has moved out of my top 3. I feel bad about that, but she's no longer the vibrant, dynamic singer she was in the beginning. That being said, I think the bottom 3 was right on this week. Not sure I would used the save for Matt, though.
LOST - Well the good news this week is that nothing happened that completely confused me. Though I did get the impression that I was supposed to be surprised when Farriday showed up in 1977. I was a little surprised, but only because I realized that before that moment I wasn't questioning why he wasn't there already. Anyone remember why Farriday wasn't with Miles? At this point, I don't worry about all the stuff I don't get and/or remember. I'm just hanging on till the end, when I hope it will all come together. Wishful thinking? Maybe....
The Office - It was so nice to finally see Jim and Pam making plans for their wedding - even if they were just yanking Andy's chain. Makes me hopeful that we will see some real wedding plans before the end of the season. Because as much as I love the humor of The Office, it was the romance between Jim and Pam that first grabbed my attention. And that's what keeps me watching. So, I hope we get to see more of them in the coming weeks.
Image from Google Images
Friday, April 17, 2009
College Road Trip - Take 2

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Thankful Thursday

2. I am thankful that Katie decided to visit colleges during Spring Break after all (even it was a little stressful planning it at the last possible moment).
3. I am so thankful for my new blog design. I am really happy with it and it makes blogging even more fun and exciting. Thanks, too, to those of you who have placed my button on your blogs. How cool is that?!
4. I am grateful that I have been able to enjoy more leisurely mornings this week due to Spring Break. I love sleeping in and the quiet peacefulness of my house before my girls get up (at noon).
5. I am so lucky that I had the pleasant surprise of seeing a Great Blue Heron in the small "pond" (more of an extra large puddle, really) at the top of our street on Tuesday morning! It's not too common to see herons around here and to see this majestic bird wading in our little pond was such a gift. I love when I see little surprises from nature.
How about you? Did you have an opportunity to stop and smell the roses (or gaze at the herons) this week? I hope so!
Image from Google images
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Signed, SEALed and Delivered

Did any of you see the news about the Navy SEALS' rescue of the ship captain who was taken hostage by Somali pirates? I can only say that I was awed by the skill of those Navy sharpshooters. The fact that they were able to kill the three pirates, who were holed up in a small, enclosed lifeboat that was bobbing erratically in rough seas is amazing in and of itself. But add to that, the fact that they each took only one shot and they did not harm the hostage they were trying to save, makes this rescue mission even more remarkable. Regardless of any one's thoughts on the government's spending of federal tax dollars on the military, I think we can all agree that the money spent to train those SEALS was money well spent. Makes me proud to be an American.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
You Can't Get There From Here

Image from Google Images
Monday, April 13, 2009
College Road Trip

Image from Google images.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
TV Quick Quips
The Tudors - So excited for the start of the new season! But, did anyone else think that the actress playing Queen Jane is different from the one playing her at the very end of last season?
American Idol - OK, still having DVR issues with this show. Two weeks ago, the show ran over by less than a minute, and I had to find out who was voted out by looking it up online. Very anti-climatic! So, being the smart woman that I am, I adjusted the DVR to run for 2 minutes past the scheduled stop time of the show. Guess what? The show ran over by 4 minutes and I missed my favorite performer - Adam! (I know, I know people either love him or hate him. If you hate him, I apologize, but I love him). Anyway, I then spent the next hour trying to find a video of his performance online. I finally found it and it was AMAZING! If you hate him, I respect that, but you have to admit the guy has talent! As for Scott being voted out... I feel bad about that because he is a likable guy and of course he overcame some huge obstacles to get to American Idol. But, once again, I'm afraid I have to agree with Simon. There are other contestants who are more talented that may need the "save" in future shows. But, I am sorry to see Scott go.
LOST - Oh my goodness, this show has me so confused. I'm not even sure where to start. I'm beginning to question why I'm still watching, but I think it's pure stubbornness. I am determined to figure out what the heck is going on. Anyone else feel the same way? Please assure me I am not a complete lunatic for continuing to watch this beyond-frustrating show.
The Office - I am thankful that there were TWO new episodes of The Office this week! Oh, wait. This is TV Quick Quips not Thankful Thursday. LOL! You all know I love, love, love The Office. I thought the first episode was OK, but the second one was very funny. Still not happy about fumbling, foolish Jim, but he sure did look cute with his shirt untucked during the soccer game.
Friday Night Lights (Season Finale) - WHAT?! I had no idea this was going to be the season finale! It seems early for the season to be over. But, maybe that's not such a bad thing. This was the most sappy episode of FNL ever! What's up with that?! I could hardly stand it. This is not the FNL I know and love. How ridiculous was Tim Riggins complaining that if he goes to college he won't have enough "me time". You have got to be kidding me. Definitely not a great season finale.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Fabulous Friday!!!
Anyway, my new blog design was done by the amazing Lindsey Joy of Lindsey Joy Designs. She does the absolute BEST work. I can not say enough wonderful things about her. She is a joy to do business with. She is easy to work with, incredibly patient and quick as lightning (once you make it to the top of the wait list - which isn't all that long!). So win-win! And somehow she has a knack for creating EXACTLY the look you are envisioning. AND it is very affordable. What more can a girl ask for? So, if you have been thinking about getting a professional blog design I highly recommend her. Go check out her blog. Don't wait. Just do it!
Frustrated Friday
Book Review: Bridge of Sighs by Richard Russo

met to discuss Bridge of Sighs by Richard Russo. We were all pretty much in agreement that this was a very well-written, 528 page book about... nothing much. Yet, we discussed the book for a full hour! Go figure!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Thankful Thursday
1. I am thankful that on Sunday my husband took my car to the car wash and then came home and waxed it. Now, this is something to be thankful for no matter what, but in 21+ years of marriage my husband has NEVER washed and/or waxed my car! Not sure why he did it this week, but I sure do appreciate it. What are the odds I can get him to do again?
2. I am thankful that I was able to make my kids lunches this week. Even if they are old enough to do it themselves. If you wondering why I would be thankful for this, you are obviously not reading my blog often enough (LOL) and can read more about it here.
3. I am so thankful that my 14 year old daughter, Madeleine, was willing to spend 3 hours on Saturday helping me sort donated books for the library's book sale. I do this on a (mostly) volunteer basis and you would be surprised by how many books get donated to the library. They all need to be sorted and shelved and it's a big and dirty job. Madeleine is a wonderful organizer, a hard worker and extremely uncomplaining. And all I promised her in return was two hot wieners and some french fries. Yummy!
4. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Alex for linking to me on her terrific blog, Please Try Again. How cool is that?! I'm pretty new to blogging but I think getting linked on someone's blog is pretty much blog Nirvana (at least that's how I'm choosing to look at it). So come on everyone, go check out Alex's blog. You won't be disappointed.
See that! I am a lucky, lucky woman. So many little things to be grateful for. How about you? What good things happened to you this week?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Brown Bag Lunch
Anyway, the reason I'm writing about something so mundane is that I read an article in our local paper about a guy named Bill, who is (like me) in his late 40's. He recently went to the doctor complaining of stomach pains. His doctor thought it was most likely an ulcer. Well, it turns out Bill does not have an ulcer. He has stomach and esophageal cancer. But that's not all, the doctor also found a lesion on his brain. Bill had surgery to deal with that 13 days ago and started chemotherapy for the cancer on Monday. Just days after brain surgery, Bill said that the one thing he couldn't wait to get back to was making school lunches for his three teenage sons. Whoa! That statement really stopped me in my tracks. What a reality check. I will never complain about making lunches again. And tomorrow morning when I pack those brown paper bags, I will send up a silent prayer of well-being for Bill.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
A Penny Saved is...Money Wasted
Monday, April 6, 2009
You Lucky Dog!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
A Place for Everything

Saturday, April 4, 2009
TV Quick Quips

American Idol - Megan does have an interesting voice, but her "quirkiness" was really becoming annoying. I'm not sorry to see her go.
LOST- What? I've never been more confused by this show. I can not figure out this whole time travel thing. It's kind of scaring me that Hurley makes the most sense to me right now. And Jack... Did he forget about the Hippocratic Oath?
The Office - Not on this week? I am having serious withdrawal symptoms!
Friday Night Lights - I was happily surprised that the Panthers didn't win the State Championship. I thought that was much more realistic. That is one of the things I love about this show. It isn't always "happily ever after". And I just have to say "Ewww" to Billy peeing in the sink. Ewww!
Friday, April 3, 2009
The Story of My Life

She describes a bookseller who visits his former history professor's apartment, after the professor's death, to pack up his library in order to sell the books. The bookseller describes getting a real sense for who his professor was by the books that were on his bookshelves. He goes on to say that when the books were brought back to the bookshop and separated by topic, they no longer represented his history professor. At that point the bookseller "realized that books get their value from the way they coexist with the other books a person owns, and that when they lose their context, they lose their meaning."
The truth of this quote really struck me. I have three large bookcases in my house and every now and then I have to weed (technical library term) through the books to make room for new ones. But every time I try, I can't seem to part with any of the books that define the different phases of my life. And now I understand why. Taken together, my books tell the story of my life. From the crumbling copy of Walt Disney's Treasury inscribed "Pamela Christmas '67" in my Dad's handwriting, to the Funk and Wagnall's Encyclopedia set my grandfather bought me volume by volume at the supermarket when I was in high school, to copies of the Greek myths from my college days, through books on baby names and parenting tips and the more recent travel guides on England, France and Portugal, my books define who I am. And looking through my bookshelves reminds me of the girl I used to be, the mom and wife I am today and the woman I am still becoming. My books tell a story. My story.