Here's my take on this week's episodes of my favorite shows:
American Idol: I love American Idol, but I usually don't watch the audition shows. I find them annoying and silly. Especially the goofy contestants who are just trying to have a few minutes on TV. But my younger daughter was watching on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I saw a few minutes of both episodes. I loved Katie, the teen from CT with the grandmother with Alzheimer's. She is my favorite - so far. Also, it was reported in our local paper that a 16 year old girl (Ellery Bonham) from a neighboring town also auditioned and was given a golden ticket. She didn't get any air time, but this is very exciting. Especially since she is a classmate of my friend Margaret's sons. I actually had a chance to hear Ellery sing last spring at her
HS talent show. She is amazing. I hope she makes it. But the thing that really struck me about this show is how likable Victoria Beckham is and how horrible Mary J. Blige is. Based on the little bit I've seen of both of these ladies on TV and in interviews, I would have thought the exact opposite. Victoria Beckham is poised, kind and ladylike. Mary J. Blige, on the other hand, was little more than a catty HS girl. Just goes to show - first impressions can be misleading. Did anyone else notice this or feel the same? Or disagree?
The Biggest Loser: I haven't had a chance to watch this week's episode of The Biggest Loser. I will quip about this episode and the next one next week.
Modern Family: The final "Was it hot"? scene was fantastic! Way to end on a high note. I will admit that this was the first time that I thought one of the story lines wasn't all that funny. The whole Mitch/Cam gardener wedding scene was just not all that funny and neither was the Phil/Gloria dog butler story. There were still hysterical lines and it's still my new favorite show, but this was the weakest episode, in my opinion.
The Office: WTF?! No new episode -AGAIN!! This week I took upon myself to check NBC.com and see what the heck is going on. Apparently the next new episode will be next week on January 21st. It makes me very suspicious that NBC felt it was OK not to air a new episode for something like 4 or 5 weeks. Anyone else think this does not bode well for The Office? Oh well. I hate to say it, but I think maybe The Office is on its way out...
Here are a few upcoming TV "events" I'm looking forward to:
The Golden Globes - I don't usually watch award shows, but this one will be hosted by Ricky Gervais (creator and actor on the original The Office on BBC). Have you seen the commercials? He is hysterical. One of my favorite actor/comedians. Can't wait to see him as host. It's sure to be hilarious. Airing
Sunday, January 17.
Lost - The sixth and final season of Lost premieres on
Tuesday, February 2. As you may remember, I've been watching this since the beginning and I'm so confused and frustrated by this show. Many times I've thought about abandoning it, but I'm determined to hang in there until the end and find out what the heck is going on. Well, I may be disappointed. According to an article I just read in the paper the creators of this show have said that Lost will end without answering all the viewer's questions. What?! You've got to be kidding me. I've been confused and frustrated for all this time thinking it would all come together at the end and NOW they're telling us that won't be the case. Ugh! Well, I've hung in there this long. I'm going to hang on until the bitter end. And I do mean bitter.
Parenthood - A week or so ago I saw an ad for a new show debuting mid-season called Parenthood. Its based on a movie of the same name and is being directed by Ron Howard. Peter Krause (of Six Feet Under and Dirty Sexy Money) is one of the stars and it looks promising. I'm looking forward to checking it out. Premieres
Monday, March 1.
Glee - The second half of Glee's first season is scheduled to begin on
Tuesday, April 13. I had given up on this show, but the last episode before the hiatus seemed to have redeemed the show for me. We'll see.
Friday Night Lights - And in breaking news (announced on Thursday), Friday Night Lights will be back for a fourth season on
Friday, April 30!!! Yay!! I really loved this show, especially the first two seasons. The third season seemed to get away from the story lines that made the show great to begin with, but maybe the fourth season will get back to basics. Here's hoping.
How about you? Any shows you're looking forward to?